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  • in reply to: Random preloading problem #11016


    Try switching out your “PennController.js” file in “modules” with the .js file from this:

    It seemed to help when we came across a similar issue, although our study is still having problems in spite of the fact that this helped some.

    in reply to: Pausing experiment #6416

    Email sent – thanks!

    in reply to: Editing red "recording…" message #6403

    Hi Jeremy,

    It worked perfectly – thanks! The “recording…” message is still in white though. How would I add changing that font color to a different color to the code you provided above?

    in reply to: Pausing experiment #6402

    Hi Jeremy,

    As far as I can tell, this ends the experiment completely – any ideas on how we could pause it yet make it possible to resume the experiment in the same location again? Thanks so much!

    in reply to: Editing red "recording…" message #6373

    Hi Jeremy,

    Same background color for both sounds perfect – unfortunately, when I put the code you gave into the global_z.css file, only the “not recording” message’s background changed – “recording..” still shows up as the same red color.

    in reply to: Editing red "recording…" message #6369

    Hi Jeremy,

    Would you mind explaining how to refer to the “Recording” message in the global CSS file? I think we’re gonna go with simply changing the color to be less attention-grabbing than the bright red. Thanks!

    in reply to: Eyetracker Setup Issues #6337

    Hi Jeremy,

    I’ve been working directly in the experiment farm, and I synced with the github URL given in the guide once again, and it didn’t work. However, since I didn’t see the file PennElement_eyetracker.js in my experiment, I uploaded it directly into the controllers section, and it worked! It threw an error saying that eyetracker was defined more than once, but the demo experiment seems to have worked as it should’ve. I guess I should just upload that file directly to our experiment. Thanks!

    in reply to: Page loading problems #6245

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks – it does work in incognito and in browsers it hasn’t been opened in before. However, it still won’t work in the original browser on the original computer even after completely closing and a day later. Is there any way to rectify that, maybe via Penn Controller itself?

    in reply to: Page loading problems #6241

    Hi Jeremy,

    We’re having the same issue, but we double checked that our URL is correct. We followed the directions here on our Dreamhost server, but when we actually tried running our experiment it says preloading for a long time and then an empty box appeared where our image should be. Here’s the demo experiment, where we tried replacing the logo with an image from our server.

    Any ideas on what’s going on? Appreciate the help!

    in reply to: Logging Results for Multiple Attempts #5997

    This is great, thank you!

    Given the structure of the code, is there any way to randomize the order of the calls to launch within the newButton(“launch”).callback()?

    in reply to: Logging Results for Multiple Attempts #5994

    Here’s an excerpt of the code:

    const launch = (num, audio, flapChooseT, notFlapChooseT, status) => [
        newAudio("flapAud" + num, audio)
        newText("prompt" + num, "This was...<br><br>")
        newButton("flap" + num, "a flap")
            .callback(getText("response" + num).text(flapChooseT), (status == "a flap" ? getVar("FlapScore").set(v => v + 1) : getVar("FlapScore").set(v => v + 0)), getButton("notFlap" + num).disable(), getButton("moveOn" + num).visible())
        newText("spacer" + num, "<br>")
        newButton("notFlap" + num, "not a flap")
            .callback(getText("response" + num).text(notFlapChooseT), (status == "not a flap" ? getVar("FlapScore").set(v => v + 1) : getVar("FlapScore").set(v => v + 0)), getButton("flap" + num).disable(), getButton("moveOn" + num).visible())
        newText("response" + num, "<p></p>")
        newButton("moveOn" + num, "Next")
        getText("prompt" + num).remove(),
        getText("spacer" + num).remove(),
        getButton("flap" + num).remove(),
        getButton("notFlap" + num).remove(),
        getText("response" + num).remove(),
        getButton("moveOn" + num).remove(),
            ...launch("1", "adequateT.mp3", "<p>Correct!</p>", "<p>Incorrect.</p>", "a flap"),
            ...launch("7", "producingT.mp3", "<p>Incorrect.</p>", "<p>Correct!</p>", "not a flap"),
            ...launch("2", "bitterT.mp3", "<p>Correct!</p>", "<p>Incorrect.</p>", "a flap"),
            ...launch("3", "daddyT.mp3", "<p>Correct!</p>", "<p>Incorrect.</p>", "a flap"),
            ...launch("8", "traditionT.mp3", "<p>Incorrect.</p>", "<p>Correct!</p>", "not a flap"),
            ...launch("4", "mottoT.mp3", "<p>Correct!</p>", "<p>Incorrect.</p>", "a flap"),
            ...launch("5", "italicsT.mp3", "<p>Incorrect.</p>", "<p>Correct!</p>", "not a flap"),
            ...launch("6", "planetaryT.mp3", "<p>Incorrect.</p>", "<p>Correct!</p>", "not a flap"),
        newButton("carryOn", "Next")
        newText("evaluation", "Your number of correct answers: ").after(newText("").text(getVar("FlapScore")))
            .success(newText("nope1", "<p>Given your score, we would like you to take the quiz again. Press the button below to proceed.</p>").print(), newButton("toNext1", "Continue").print().wait(), getText("nope1").remove(), getButton("toNext1").remove(), getText("evaluation").remove(), getButton("launch").click())
                .success(newText("nope2", "<p>Given your score, we would like you to take the quiz again. Press the button below to proceed.</p>").print(), newButton("toNext2", "Continue").print().wait(), getText("nope2").remove(), getButton("toNext2").remove(), getText("evaluation").remove(), getButton("launch").click())
                    .success(newText("nope3", "<p>Given your score, we would like you to take the quiz again. Press the button below to proceed.</p>").print(), newButton("toNext3", "Continue").print().wait(), getText("nope3").remove(), getButton("toNext3").remove(), getText("evaluation").remove(), getButton("launch").click())
                        .success(newText("nope4", "<p>Given your score, we would like you to take the quiz again. Press the button below to proceed.</p>").print(), newButton("toNext4", "Continue").print().wait(), getText("nope4").remove(), getButton("toNext4").remove(), getText("evaluation").remove(), getButton("launch").click())
                            .success(newText("nope5", "<p>Given your score, we would like you to take the quiz again. Press the button below to proceed.</p>").print(), newButton("toNext5", "Continue").print().wait(), getText("nope5").remove(), getButton("toNext5").remove(), getText("evaluation").remove(), getButton("launch").click())
                            .failure(newText("<p>Good job! When you're ready, press the button below to proceed.</p>").print(), newButton("Continue").print().wait(), getButton("finally").click())

    We’d like to know how to log the results of the launch processes when getButton(“launch”).click() is executed near the end of the code snippet (like on line 67), i.e., how to log the button clicks in lines 10-26 the first time the launch button (line 44) is “clicked” as well as the second time. Right now it’s only logging the first round.

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