Forum Replies Created
Ah, of course – sorry, didn’t try it out, but you’re right, those new elements are now of course shuffled separately. I think the solution is to actually create the shapes directly in PCIbex, rather than using a white.png and black.png image; and then just superimpose them on a pre-generated grid. This way, you can easily hide and make visible the same image (or else update its color properties). e.g.
newCanvas(“black”, 50, 50).color(“black”).css(“border-radius”,”100%”)
Will give you a black dot, which you can update to white or hide it to make it disappear etc.
floriansModeratorYou need to always have an image in each cell, whether it’s white or black, to keep the grid even. So introduce either white or black at first, and then hide previous and make new image visible in same location (black -> white or white -> black).
newImage(“sq1”, “black.png”)
newImage(“sq1b”, “white.png”)
newImage(“sq2a”, “white.png”)
newImage(“sq2”, “black.png”)
newCanvas(“grid”, 200,200)
// row 1
.add( 0, 0, row.r1c1==1?getImage(“sq1”):getImage(“sq1”) )
.add( 40, 0, getImage(“sq2a”))//row.r1c2==1?getImage(“sq2a”):getImage(“sq2a”) )
.add( 40, 0, getImage(“sq2”))//row.r1c2==1?getImage(“sq2”):getImage(“sq2”) )[…]
.success(getImage(“sq1”).hidden(), getImage(“sq1b”).visible(),getImage(“sq2a”).hidden(), getImage(“sq2”).visible())floriansModeratorSorry all – farm is indeed down right now, we’re looking into it and will send an updated as soon as we can!
floriansModeratorOur apologies – we continue to wrestle with some issues caused by people accessing results files, now that the number of users has dramatically increased in a short period of time, and are working hard to keep things up and running. We’ll keep everyone posted and will also send out an email update soon to a newly set up mailing list for registered users at Thanks for your understanding and patience in the meantime!
FlorianfloriansModeratorAnother simple feature that makes it at least very hard (possibly impossible, not sure) to proceed in an experiment with a device without a physical keyboard is to just include a ‘press space to continue’ step, using newKey(). Without a text input field, there generally is no straightforward way (if any, haven’t found one) to bring up the virtual keyboard on a phone or iPad, which means you cannot continue. (I learned this by accident in a recent study where I was leaving tablet use as an option on Prolific, and had lots of people falter precisely for this reason.) Thinking on it, I wonder whether self-paced reading would work on devices without a keyboard to begin with – is there any way to proceed within a sentence without pressing a keyboard key?
floriansModeratorI’m not aware off the top of my head of work specifically looking at the accuracy of (PC)Ibex response/reaction times, but we’ve had a good bit of work in our department on priming in David Embick’s lab that has been able to find some pretty small effect sizes (definitely < 100ms), e.g. -
- (a dissertation that was just defended today; see, e.g., chapter 5 studies on priming in English compounds that were all run on IBEX using PennController; pre- PCIbex farm, but should be fully comparable).Not self-paced reading, but from the technical side in terms of RT accuracy, that shouldn't be relevant.
floriansModeratorHi Nicolas, glad PCIbex is working out well for you!
I’ll leave the encryption question to Jeremy, but thought I’d also throw in that at least with certain recruitment platforms, you can avoid having to collect email addresses or names etc. altogether. Sona and Prolific (which we use for for-course-credit Penn students and paid participants respectively) both allow for using a method where you just direct participants back to the platform with a custom-generated link at the end of the experiment that directly confirms their participation there. The relevant code/User ID # from the platform still winds up being stored in the results, but that’s arguably less personal and critical than more direct personal identifiers.
FlorianPS: We’re happy to help with specifics if you go that route. See and in particular for starters.
floriansModeratorHi Cory – what browser are you using on the iOS devices? Have you tried different ones? That might be worth a try for starters if you haven’t done that already.
floriansModeratorFeel free to share your experiment link(s) with me as well (email is fine if you don’t want to post it here) so we can try it on my iPad!