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  • ediachek

    That woks great! Thank you!


    Hi Jeremy,

    Thank you for your response and I’m sorry, I still have a question. Let me rephrase my issue.

    Each one of my 4 blocks includes study trials and test trials. I would like the 4 blocks to be randomized across participants, and the trial order within each block to be randomized as well. However, test trials for block 1 should always follow study trials for block 1 because participants can only do a memory test on the items they have already studied. So possible orders of presentation would be:





    I was hoping to achieve this by just grouping study and test trials together into one variable “block” but not sure how to achieve that. I might also be missing another solution, so I would appreciate your advice!

    Thanks again for all your help!



    Hi Jeremy,

    I’m also trying to make an experiment with randomized blocks and this is super helpful! However, I have a few more questions.

    My each block will include study trials and test trials. Right now, these are 2 separate templates and I’m not sure how to unite them into 1 block. Here is what I have so far, I’d really appreciate your guidance!


    //Phase 1 Block 1: Study Trials [randomized in Sequence]
    Template("bell_bottoms_study_2AFC_1.csv", row =>
            newText("study_question","Click on the image as described in the audio")
            //Load images
            newImage("target", row.target_filename),
            newImage("foil", row.foil_filename),
            //Load audio
            newAudio("audio", row.audio_file),
            //Display images
            newCanvas("image_study", 1000, 500)
                .add(0, "middle at 60%", getImage("target"))
                .add(550, "middle at 60%", getImage("foil") )
            //Play audio with instructions
            //Allow to select
                .add(getImage("target"), getImage("foil"))
            newTimer("post-trial", 1000).start().wait()
    //Phase 2: Test Trials [randomized in Sequence]
    Template("bell_bottoms_test_2AFC.csv", row =>
            newText("Which image did you see in the previous section of the study?").print().center().cssContainer({"margin-bottom":"1em"}),
            //Load images
            newImage("target", row.target_filename),
            newImage("distractor", row.distractor_filename),
            //Display images
            newCanvas("image_study", 1000, 500)
                .add(0, "middle at 60%", getImage("target"))
                .add(500, "middle at 60%", getImage("distractor") )
            //Allow to select
                .add(getImage("target"), getImage("distractor"))
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by ediachek.
    in reply to: Troubleshooting #10361

    Hi Jeremy,

    I am having an odd issue with my experiment: https://farm.pcibex.net/r/SecMLy/. It worked fine yesterday but now when I’m trying to run it, it says “Loading, please wait…” and nothing happens after that.

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


    in reply to: Troubleshooting #9843

    Hi Jeremy,

    Happy New Year!

    I have multiple input boxes on each trial and for some reason, the cursor gets focused on the last one. I know you can use the <input autofocus> attributed in HTML but haven’t figured out how to do that in PennController.

    Here is how I tried to do it:

            newTextInput("agent_answer", "")
                .css("border-bottom","2px solid black")
                .css("text-transform", "uppercase")

    Here is the link to my experiment:

    I would appreciate your help!


    in reply to: Lists randomization #9702

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thank you! I would never be able to figure this out.

    So I tried deleting the (invisible?) space character using Excel functions but I’m not confident it worked, so I’ve decided to assign numbers 51-59 to lists 1-9. Would that work do you think?


    in reply to: Lists randomization #9694

    Hi Jeremy,

    Just launched my experiment yesterday for some pilot data and it works great! Thank you for working on the bugs and for your continued support.

    I noticed just one thing — I have 2 phases of the experiment: study and test. And I also have 16 experimental lists, and participants are assigned to a list randomly through the SetCounter(“counter”, “inc”, 1); command at the beginning of the experiment. I assumed that participants will be assigned to the same study and test lists but I’m seeing that some participants completed list 3 for study and list 11 for test.

    Is there a way to fix that so that each person completes the same list for study and test?

    Here is the link to the expt: https://farm.pcibex.net/r/dmrkYm/


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by ediachek.
    in reply to: code doesn't get updated despite the 'saved' message #9669

    Hi Jeremy,

    I have been having this issue for a while but copying the experiment typically helped. Since yesterday, the problem seems to have gotten worse. Right now, when I make edits to the code the progress message is stuck on “saving…” and when I open the project in a new tab it takes a really long time to load. Also, oddly all “Next” buttons disappeared even though they still appear in the code.

    I was planning on starting data collection today-tomorrow but would you recommend waiting until I can get a smooth final run through the experiment?

    I would appreciate any help and guidance!


    in reply to: Randomly Shuffle Positions of Elements #9613

    Hi Jeremy,

    I was wondering if it would be possible to randomly shuffle images in a 3×3 grid. In other words, if I have 9 images, I want them to appear in random places on the grid on each trials.

    Thanks so much!


    in reply to: DragDrop features #9604

    This is working perfectly! Thank you so much!

    in reply to: DragDrop features #9600

    Thank you, Jeremy! This code works great!

    One more question. If I wanted a 3×3 grid with images so that the bear and flower would be at random positions from one trial to another, I think I would need to use the selector command with the shuffle argument. Where would I plug it in this code?


    in reply to: DragDrop features #9584

    Hi Jeremy,

    I was wondering if it’s possible to “link” two pictures together using the Drag and drop feature. In my task, participants will hear “Put the bear on the flower”, for which I expect them to place one object on top of the other. Then, they will hear “Now put them in the box”, and I would hope that the two images of the bear and flower would get “linked” so that participants could just drop them in the box at the same time using one mouse movement. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!!


    in reply to: Troubleshooting #9569

    Hi Jeremy,

    I have a good update: I figured out how to record the Prolific IDs! Turns out Prolific generates a link with syntax “pid” instead of “id”. Easy to overlook!

    I have another question! In my experiments, participants are typing in made up sentences but when want to elicit a particular sentence structure where the verb is always between 2 nouns. To do that, it would be helpful to have a text input box and in it, a verb displayed in the infinitive form, so that participants know what the verb is supposed to be there but they can also change its form (e.g., to run –> ran). I know you can specify the text by typing in the second argument in TextInput(“answer”,“Type in here”) but would it be possible to display different text on each trial (from the .csv)?

    I have tried this but it didn’t work:

            newTextInput("verb_answer", getText("verb"))
                .css("border-bottom","2px solid black")

    I would appreciate your help!

    in reply to: Troubleshooting #9560

    Okay, I can see them when I specify what submissions I want to download but unfortunately, none of them saved the Prolific ID. I might just use IP address as a unique participant identifier. Thank you for your help!

    in reply to: Troubleshooting #9558

    Got it, thank you! Do you have any idea why I’m not seeing the results from 4 participants I saw earlier?

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