Sample experiment: Priming Design

this tutorial is obsolete and only maintained for archiving purposes. Please refer to the new tutorial instead.

NOTE: this page assumes you are familiar with notions covered in this page and this page.

Next: How to use a spreadsheet


For this sample trial, you need to use the import method to retrieve the image files we will be using.

Click on Update from git repo and enter the following URL: and replace master with priming-design in the branch box, then click the Sync button.
You should see a confirmation message appear below the button, reading Success: N files modified. If you don’t see the message, try clicking again. If it still does not work, reload your Ibex page and try again.

Warning: whenever you click on Sync, the content of the file main.js is erased and reverts back to the script in the Basics section below.


We now know how to build simple trials. But the design of a full experiment usually consists of more than one screen where to click a button or type a word. Let us consider a priming design: we want our participants to report how warm they perceive a color after picking between two color patches.

To start with, what we want is simply create one trial of each type. The code below combines and adapts some code from the Picture selection page and from the page Rating scale page.

[js try=”data-no-reset”]

// Picture selection trial
.settings.size(200, 200)
newText(“test sentence”, “Which patch is greener?”)
newCanvas(“patches”, 500, 200)
.settings.add( 0, 0, newImage(“color1”, “green1.png”) ) // Embedded image creation
.settings.add( 300, 0, newImage(“color2”, “green2.png”) ) // Embedded image creation
.settings.add( getImage(“color1”) , getImage(“color2”) )

newText(“green”, “To me the color green is…”)
newScale(“judgment”, “cold”, “cool”, “lukewarm”, “warm”, “hot”)
.settings.before( getText(“green”) )
.settings.size(“auto”) // Use max width for each cell (here, lukewarm’s cell’s width)

More trials

This is nice, but our priming design won’t be much informative if we have only one trial of each type. Let’s add a second pair of trials: we simply duplicate what we already have, append it to the end and bring minimal changes.

[js new=”33-61″ try=”data-no-reset”]

// Picture selection trial (GREEN)
.settings.size(200, 200)
newText(“test sentence”, “Which patch is greener?”)
newCanvas(“patches”, 500, 200)
.settings.add( 0, 0, newImage(“color1”, “green1.png”) )
.settings.add( 300, 0, newImage(“color2”, “green2.png”) )
.settings.add( getImage(“color1”) , getImage(“color2”) )

// Rating trial (GREEN)
newText(“green”, “To me the color green is…”)
newScale(“judgment”, “cold”, “cool”, “lukewarm”, “warm”, “hot”)
.settings.before( getText(“green”) )

// Picture selection trial (PURPLE)
.settings.size(200, 200)
newText(“test sentence”, “Which patch is purpler?”)
newCanvas(“patches”, 500, 200)
.settings.add( 0, 0, newImage(“color1”, “purple1.png”) )
.settings.add( 300, 0, newImage(“color2”, “purple2.png”) )
.settings.add( getImage(“color1”) , getImage(“color2”) )

// Rating trial (PURPLE)
newText(“purple”, “To me the color purple is…”)
newScale(“judgment”, “cold”, “cool”, “lukewarm”, “warm”, “hot”)
.settings.before( getText(“purple”) )

Trial order

Good, but what if we want to ask our participants to do both picture selection trials first and both rating trials at the end? We could re-order our trials in our items variable, but there is a much simpler way of doing it. We just need to use different labels for each trial type, and refer to them inside the PennController.Sequence command, like this:

[js new=”1,2″ highlight=”6,24,36,54″ try=”data-no-reset”]
// First run all the trials labeled ‘picture,’ then run all the trials labeled ‘rating’
PennController.Sequence( “picture” , “rating” );

// Picture selection trial (GREEN)
PennController( “picture” ,
.settings.size(200, 200)
newText(“test sentence”, “Which patch is greener?”)
newCanvas(“patches”, 500, 200)
.settings.add( 0, 0, newImage(“color1”, “green1.png”) )
.settings.add( 300, 0, newImage(“color2”, “green2.png”) )
.settings.add( getImage(“color1”) , getImage(“color2”) )

// Rating trial (GREEN)
PennController( “rating” ,
newText(“green”, “To me the color green is…”)
newScale(“judgment”, “cold”, “cool”, “lukewarm”, “warm”, “hot”)
.settings.before( getText(“green”) )

// Picture selection trial (PURPLE)
PennController( “picture” ,
.settings.size(200, 200)
newText(“test sentence”, “Which patch is purpler?”)
newCanvas(“patches”, 500, 200)
.settings.add( 0, 0, newImage(“color1”, “purple1.png”) )
.settings.add( 300, 0, newImage(“color2”, “purple2.png”) )
.settings.add( getImage(“color1”) , getImage(“color2”) )

// Rating trial (PURPLE)
PennController( “rating” ,
newText(“purple”, “To me the color purple is…”)
newScale(“judgment”, “cold”, “cool”, “lukewarm”, “warm”, “hot”)
.settings.before( getText(“purple”) )

Now that we have conveniently labeled our trial types, we can even use the randomize function to present the trials within each type-sequence in a random order:

// randomize runs all the labeled trials in a random order
PennController.Sequence( randomize(“picture”) , randomize(“rating”) );

(The rest of the code is not reported here for brevity, as nothing else needs to be modified)


Our script is getting a little long, and we only have 4 trials so far. Yet, in order to get anything of interest with our priming design, we probably want more trials than that, maybe 10 of each.

At this point, it is a good idea to start using a spreadsheet to design our experiments, which will provide the values for the variable elements in each trial: the dialogue lines for the rating trials, and the sentence for the input trials.