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  • irenecg

    Great! Thank you! I’ll have a look at it!

    in reply to: MouseTracker recording wrong coordinates #6304

    Hi Jeremy,

    What we did is to take where the mouse was (that is, mouse coordinates) every time a selection happened. Is that treatment problematic for touchscreen data? We have coordinates for most of them, but could this weird problem I told you about be related to this fact?


    in reply to: MouseTracker recording wrong coordinates #6257

    Hi Jeremy,

    We use a MouseTracker element at the beginning and another one for the test trials. And about the content of the experiment, it should fit, since it is printed in a canvas 90% width and 90% length of the screen size.

    Thanks for the email address, I’m going to send you the link to the study 🙂


    in reply to: Re-requesting loading of an element #6169

    Thank you for your quick answer!
    We’ll duplicate in that case.


    in reply to: Not sending results #5786

    Hi Jeremy,

    I think it worked, the problem disappeared (and also the signaling in the javascript console).

    However, the second time I tried, it told me that there had been a problem with sending my results (and asked me to retry). By retrying a couple of times the results were sent without problems. I suspect that it was something not related (maybe due to my local connection at that moment or so), but just in case, I’m also posting what the javascript Console told me:



    in reply to: Not sending results #5778

    Hi Jeremy,

    This is what the console is telling me:
    Error on javascript console

    And the screen goes blank.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by irenecg.
    in reply to: Not sending results #5773

    Hi Jeremy,

    I’ve tried it and at the beginning it was working but after three times I tried it stopped working. However, I now think that the problem is not with ‘SendResults()’ but with ‘ending’ the trial when they click the exit button. Let me try to explain:

    When clicking the ‘exit’ button, according to the debug Window, the program should execute:

    getVar("shouldquit").set(true), end()

    Instead, what it does is just:


    And it never reaches the ‘end()’ function, so it gets stuck there. In fact, it does the same it did when I had my ‘SendResults()’ there (that is, to get stuck before the important piece, be it ‘end()’or ‘SendResults()’). I feel there is something that does not let it continue (maybe the MediaRecorder? But I’ve tried to remove it and it had no effect)…

    My temporary solution right now has been this one:

    newTrial( "trytoquit" ,

    and to suppress the warning message of not sending results more than once through the code you provided in another post. In that way it does not save when you press ‘exit’ but at least it saves at the end of each trial (which makes result file super long, and makes me afraid of interfering with some other process of the program thus making it crash from somewhere else, but lets me get the data)…

    Again, thanks a million.


    in reply to: Not sending results #5761

    Hi Jeremy,

    Sure. The experiment is here, let me know if you’d like to have a look at the script.
    I think at that moment the media recording should be active since it stops it and reaches the ‘clear()’ function. And if you reach the end of the experiment, it doesn’t save anyway…

    Re. the undefined trial getting stuck, do your sendrecords trials work as expected? That is, do they effectively upload the recordings?

    Yes, they do. My solution has been to block this undefined trial, so the experiment never reaches there. If I let it run, I find in the server, besides my recordings, a corrupted file-recorder.

    Thank you so much!

    in reply to: Play Zipped Audio Files in CSV Template #5632

    Hi! Not sure I can help, but, do you have quotations in your list? I had the same problem until I realized that I didn’t need quotations in my .csv list…

    in reply to: zip downladed but not preloaded #5629


    Well, there’s a unique test trial now but the idea is to have 10 which should depend on the group, so coding by newTrial directly is not an option. I’ll try to create duplicates, let’s see how it works. Thanks!

    Re. the freezing of the script, this is another thing I have to solve since the recordings are sent (and my idea is to use UploadRecordings between the trials), but the message of ‘sending the recording’ doesn’t disappear. Right now I’m not sure whether it is the last UploadRecordings that interferes with my SendResults() at the end, or it is a problem of my server not sending back a response.

    Thanks for the platform and the quick responses in the forums!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by irenecg.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by irenecg.
    in reply to: zip downladed but not preloaded #5620

    Yes,here it is.It is actually quite long (and requires recordings and multiple zips), that’s why I didn’t share the code, but I can create a short version and share the code if you want.

    Thanks a million!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by irenecg.
    in reply to: Track Mouse Position #5433

    Hi Jeremy,

    It’s me again. Sorry to come back to this message, but we realized we really need to track cursor position upon click. Our problem is that we need to record many clicks in the same trial, and, as far as we have seen, we are unable to record this into one variable AND log it for different values.

    Let me explain: We have an experiment in which subjects have to click at different parts of the screen within the same trial. Ideally, these parts would be 2, but our subjects are children, so it is very possible that they click more than once, twice and even 10 different times to different parts of the screen (and we cannot predict where nor how many times). In that case, we would like to have the coordinates of the mouse for each of their clicks.
    We tried:

        .callback( (x,y) => [getVar("mousex").set(x)._runPromises(),getVar("mousey").set(y)._runPromises()] )
    newCanvas( "wholescreen" , "90vw" , "90vh" ).print( "top at 0" , "left at 0" )
    newSelector().add( getCanvas("wholescreen") )
    .callback(getVar('mousex').log(), getVar('mousex').log())
    .size("10vw", "10vh")
    .print("left at 90vw","top at 90vh")
    in reply to: Track Mouse Position #5089

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks a lot for your quick responses. I think I’ll try to adapt my experimental design to the solutions you proposed to Valeria, as they seem easier and lighter than what I had in mind.



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