PennController for IBEX › Forums › Support › Randmoize table rows › Reply To: Randmoize table rows

1. Every trial has a label, whether explicitly assigned or not. The standard way of assigning a trial a label with PennController is to provide a string as the first argument of newTrial, but there are special cases (eg. SendResult can directly create a trial labeled after its own argument string). Labels then allow you to manipulate the order of execution of your trials by referencing them in the Sequence command.
In your case, you label all the trials you generate from Practica_Espanol_ButtonNormal-1.csv "practica_spanish", because that’s the string you pass as the first argument of the newTrial command in your Template command. As a result, typing randomize("practica_spanish") somwhere in your Sequence command will insert all those trials, randomly ordered, at that point in the sequence of trials.
The other topic is almost a year old now, and uses native-Ibex syntax to insert trials that use the DashedSentence controller. With the introduction of the Controller element in PennController 1.7, there no longer is a need to resort to native-Ibex syntax in such cases. For your information however, in "dashed", "DashedSentence", {s: row.Sentence}
, "dashed" is the label of the trial and "DashedSentence" is the name of the controller leveraged to generate the trial. To get the same output using full-PCIbex syntax, you would do this: newTrial( "dashed" , newController("DashedSentence", row.Sentence).print().wait() )
2. What file exactly is exhibiting this problem? If it’s a main script file, make sure you don’t have another script file in data_includes that takes precedence over the one you’re updating. If it’s a CSV file in chunk_includes, did you make sure you reference the proper filename in your Template command? If you don’t pass any filename to it, Template will automatically use the CSV file whose name comes first, alpha-numerically speaking.
If deleting the experiment and reloading everything from git doesn’t fix things, it most likely means that the problem lies with the git repo, not with the farm.