Uploading Recordings on a Virtual Machine

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Uploading Recordings on a Virtual Machine

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  • #5768

    Hi Jeremy,

    We are planning to run an experiment which would require the recording of audio data.
    Is it possible to use a Virtual Machine as a server?

    And another question:
    If we wanted to play audio from a server does it need to be a public IP address at which these audio data is saved?

    Thank you so much!



    Hi Anne,

    Whether your server is a VM should not make a difference, as long as you run Apache+PHP on it, just pass the link to your php script to InitiateRecorder—although keep in mind that you will need a secure domain (https), so a public IP address won’t be enough for that

    Same thing about the audio: as long as you have a public link that points to a valid audio file, it should work just fine


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