Some final issues before the experiment

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Some final issues before the experiment

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  • #6637

    There are a few issues that I wanted to address before launching my pilot project.
    1. programming and the display of the html page:
    When I open my html page in PC-Ibex the page seems different comapred to the case when I open it with an html browser (Google Chrome).
    The page when opened with PC-Ibex is centred as opposed to the case when it is opened with an html browser (Google Chrome) (this is actually good)
    However, there is another more problematic aspect:
    When the page is opened with PC-Ibex the sentence “Моля, попълнете следната анкета и натиснете бутона най-долу, за да започнете експеримента.” (which requests people to fill the questionnaire and which is the first sentence in the contents of the html page, marked between the <p></p> tags) appears twice with a big area in between. On the other hand when the page is opened with an html browser (Google Chrome) it appears correct – there is no repetition and it is without the big area. The sentence only occurs once in the code of the html page.

    How can I fix this problem so that this sentence appears only once and without this big area? I created a test project ‘experiment_html_test’, which only displays the relevant screen of the html page, and I was able to reproduce the problem.

    I am putting the main.js file contents of ‘experiment_html_test’ as well as the contents of the html page if you want to reproduce the problem:

    Contents of the main.js file

    // This is a simple demo script, feel free to edit or delete it
    // Find a tutorial and the list of availalbe elements at:
        newText("Моля, попълнете следната анкета и натиснете бутона най-долу, за да започнете експеримента.")
        newHtml("demographics", "ru_wh_demo.html")
        .checkboxWarning("Моля, изберете една от възможностите.")
        .inputWarning("Моля, попълнете това поле.")
        .radioWarning("Моля, изберете една от възможностите.")
            newButton("continue1", "Продължете нататък")
                  .failure( getHtml("demographics").warn() )
    //.setOption("showProgressBar ",false)
    //.setOption( "countsForProgressBar" , false )
    // Make sure the progress bar is full upon reaching this last (non-)trial


    Contents of the html page:

    <div style="width: 60em;">
    Моля, попълнете следната анкета и натиснете бутона най-долу, за да започнете експеримента.
    <input name="age" type="text" size="5" class="obligatory" />
    <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;"><label class="error" for="age"></label>
    <input name="sex" type="radio" value="female" class="obligatory" id="csexfemale"/><label for="csexfemale">женски</label>
            <input name="sex" type="radio" value="male" class="obligatory" id="csexmale" /><label for="csexmale">мъжки</label>
    <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:0.5em"><label class="error" for="sex"></label>
    <td>Роден език:</td><td>
    <input name="nativelg" type="radio" value="BG" class="obligatory" id="natlangbg" /><label for="natlangbg">български </label>
            <input name="nativelg" type="radio" value="other" class="obligatory" id="natlangother"/><label for="natlangother">друг</label>
    <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;"><label class="error" for="nativelg"></label>
    <td>Град или село, където сте израснали:</td><td>
    <input name="nativetown" type="text" size="15" class="obligatory" />
    <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;"><label class="error" for="nativetown"></label></td>
    <td>Максимална степен на придобито образование:</td><td>    
            <input name="education" type="radio" value="pr" class="optional" id="edu_pr" /><label for="edu_pr">начално училищно</label><br>
            <input name="education" type="radio" value="osn" class="optional" id="edu_osn"/><label for="edu_osn">основно училищно</label><br>
            <input name="education" type="radio" value="sre" class="optional" id="edu_sre"/><label for="edu_sre">средно училищно</label><br>
            <input name="education" type="radio" value="uni class="optional" id="edu_uni_bach"/><label for="edu_uni">висше</label><br>
    <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;"><label class="error" for="education"></label>
    <input name="hearing" type="radio" value="normal" class="obligatory" id="normal" /><label for="normal">нормален</label>
    <input name="hearing" type="radio" value="corrected" class="obligatory" id="corrected"/><label for="corrected">нарушен</label>
    <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;"><label class="error" for="hearing"></label>
    <input name="vision" type="radio" value="norm" class="obligatory" id="normvision" /><label for="normvision">нормално</label>
    <input name="vision" type="radio" value="corr" class="obligatory" id="corrvision"/><label for="corrvision">коригирано</label>
    <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;"><label class="error" for="vision"></label>
    <td> Моята специалност (бакалавърска, магистърска или докторска) е ориентирана към:</td><td>
    <td>&#9а. езици</td><td>
    <input name="bachlang" type="radio" value="yes" class="optional" id="Yes2" /><label for="Yes2">да</label>
    <input name="bachlang" type="radio" value="no" class="optional" id="No2"/><label for="No2">не</label>
    <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;"><label class="error" for="bachlang"></label>
    <td>&#9б. психология</td><td>
    <input name="bachps" type="radio" value="yes" class="optional" id="Yes3" /><label for="Yes3">да</label>
    <input name="bachps" type="radio" value="no" class="optional" id="No3"/><label for="No3">не</label>
    <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;"><label class="error" for="bachps"></label>
    <input type="checkbox" class="obligatory" name="consent1" id="consentcx1" /><label for="consentcx1">Потвърждавам, че правя експеримента за първи път.</label>
    <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;"><label class="error" for="consent1"></label>
    <input type="checkbox" class="obligatory" name="consent" id="consentcx" /><label for="consentcx">Съгласен съм данните, събрани по време на този експеримент, да бъдат обработвани с научни цели.</label>
    <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;"><label class="error" for="consent"></label>


    2. the .zip filenames in the result file
    I uploaded some test recordings to the server and they had long .zip filenames which also occurred in the result file. I noticed that the .zip filenames in the result file do not refer to the data within the given trial in the result file but to data of the previous trial in the result file, which suggests that the data was uploaded after the next trial had begun. This means that the last trial has no corresponding .zip filename in the result file. Even though the audio of the last .zip file was uploaded, I could not find the .zip filename of that file in the result file. Is this expected, and is there a way to fix, so that I can have the .zip filename of the last file in the result file.

    3. Connection or platform issues
    I noticed that sometimes when I tested the experiment, I could not proceed with the experiment it gives a message that it is loading and that it would take about a minute. and then it stops. So I have to start again.
    Sometimes this happens in the middle of the experiment and I need to re-do it, which is not ideal, since it takes time and also it seems to provide the same experimental data (the examples seem to be of the same group). If this is true this means that participants would see certain blocks and conditions more and this would be problematic for a Latin square design.
    Is there any reason why this happens – is it a connection problem, platform issue, is there way to avoid it and finally if it does happen, will the audio data (and possibly the data in the result files be saved)? Given the fact that the audio data seems to be uploaded at every stage of the experiment, the answer for the audio data seems to be yes, but I just want to make sure. (I am not sure for the data in the result file, since the message which says that results are sent to the server appears after the end of the experiment, but in this case getting to the end of the experiment is impossible)

    4. Finally, I still seem to experience the problem where I cannot edit the experiment (the case when I get the message “please come back later”, in which case I have to rename my project to solve it) although now, it seems to happen less frequently than before. It will be good to have this problem solved permanently.



    Hello Danil,

    1. I’m a little confused: you’re printing the sentence both as part of your newText element and as part of your HTML document. Why would you not expect it to appear twice, then?

    2. How do you upload the recordings? Do you insert asynchronous UploadedRecordings trials regularly? You can make them synchronous if you want to make sure that the experiment does not proceed to the next trial until the recordings have been uploaded (although your participants might have to wait a while after each trial)
    I’m not sure why you wouldn’t get a line for the last zip file, but it could be that the specific way your experiment is coded makes it send results to the CSV file before it can run the last UploadedRecordings trial

    3. Not sure what is happening with the resource preloading, it will in part depend on your specific setup. As the number of files your experiment needs to retrieve increases, it becomes a good idea to group them into ZIP files. Some servers do not like the same IP sending too many requests in a short period of time, which could be one explanation for your experience
    Regarding group/list, the default behavior is to increase the internal counter only after (and whenever) receiving a full submission. Use SetCounter if you want to increase the counter earlier in your experiment

    4. Unfortunately we never got around to sorting out your experiment editing problem. May I suggest you try out the new farm where, hopefully, you should no longer experience the same issue




    Thank you for reply.

    I started the data collection for my first pilot project in my PhD.

    1. I was able to solve the problem with the html page, the problem seemed to be as you suggested (basically the statement was repeated twice).

    2. I have attached the code of my main file and a part of my old results file (the last three trials) (the full file is too long to attach all of it).

    The .zip file in the line

    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,37,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,UploadRecordings,Filename,,1613560684170,filler1,APN,шест,купичка,В шкафа стояха шест пълни с камъчета,купичка,A,STE-014_mono.wav,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,async

    in the trial before the last trial refers to the file filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A.webm in the previous trial.

    The .zip file in the line

    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,73,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,UploadRecordings,Filename,,1613560695207,filler2,APN,,карамфил,От градината бяха откъснати засадените от девойката,карамфил,A,STE-044_mono.wav,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,async

    in the last trial refers to the file filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A.webm in the trial before the last trial.

    So, I have a .zip file containing the file filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A.webm and I have a .zip file containing the file filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A.webm.

    I know the recordings of the trial before the last trial and the last trial are uploaded because I can see the lines


    for the trial before the last trial, and the lines


    for the last trial (which are the final two lines in results file). Indeed no audio files are missing and the audio of the last file is uploaded.

    However the .zip file of that last file does not appear in the results file. There is no .zip filename after the final lines:


    I have the .zip file, which stores the audio file filler2_APN_карамфил__A.webm of the final trial, but the .zip file is missing from the results file

    It does not seem to be a problem of coding since the final uploading (which is asynchronous (the line used in the main file is indeed UploadRecordings(“sendAsync”, “noblock”)) and the next trial begins before the last upload has completed, which in turn explains why each .zip file points to the preceding trial) seems to happen after the execution of the final trial (as the second “sendAsync”) suggests.

    Sequence("intro", "intro1",  "demo", "trials",  "demo1",  "demo2", "expbegin", sepWith("sendAsync", randomize("experiment")), "sendAsync", SendResults(), "bye")

    Even though it will be good to resolve, or at least understand the problem, so that I can get the count .zip file of the las trial, I think that it might be an easier way to sort the results without having to use the .zip file. This is by marking the participants. Contrary to your previous suggestion I cannot input this information with my materials during the experiment, since I do not have a direct control of my participants. I have groups A, B and C each representing a separate list of items and each participant gets one of these groups with all the items within the group being randomized. What group each participant gets depends on the group of the previous participants (this follows the default set-up of PC-Ibex). However, there is a counter file which keeps track on the number of participants in order to perform the group assignment. Contrary again to your previous suggestion, I wouldn’t want to reset the value of this counter file, since this file contains important information about the number of participants. Instead I want to get that value and store it in a variable, so that I can identify the participants. It would be something like this, but I do not know if I can do that in Pc-Ibex:

    a) get the counter value and store it in a variable

    b) increase the value of that variable by one

    b) convert the increased counter variable to string if it is a number (float or int)

    c) use that string to label the audio files

    Now each participant should have a separate id.

    In addition I can check if the counter variable changed before the beginning and the end of the experimental trial in case other participants concluded the experiment at the same time. Then I can predict if certain audio files will need re-naming (which could be done after the data is collected) if two participants doing the experiment at the same time were assigned the same counter value.

    Actually, the best possible solution would be to generate the participant hash string not at the end but at the beginning of the experiment, but I do not know if that is possible. This will ensure that every participant gets a unique id which could be used directly during the experiment.

    3. During my pilot some people reported that they had problem continuing with the experiment. Two participants tried the experiment at the same time from different locations and they experienced being blocked and they had to restart the experiment. I experienced this problem myself, when I did a testing. I have put the code of the main file, instead (in case ли си искал да напишеш) there is a problem in the code that causes the problem. Could you have a look? It might not be the case since it works fine with some participants, but not with others. (generally the idea of the experiment is that people click on a button to listen to a sentence, then a new button pops up which allows them to record themselves, then another button that allows them to stop the recording, and then they click on a button in order to proceed to the next sentence). If the problem is not with the code and there is a problem with the platform it will be good to get this fixed.

    It will be difficult to put the audio file resources that the participants listen to in a .zip file (since I read they need to be in same root directory, but right now that is not possible since many of the files have the same names (targets fileers1, fillers2 and fillers3 are labeled in the same way)).

    Finally, I think that resulting the counter variable might not be a good idea since, as I mentioned previously, it contains useful information I could use to see the number of participants, and, hopefully, identifying the participants. Two participants getting the same list is not a problem since the groups are equivalent and distributed consecutively across the participants. The problem is for the Latin square design when the same participant sees the data twice in the case that he had to restart the experiment during a blocking experienced in his first unsuccessful trial. Even if I were to reset the count variable, (which as I said might not be ideal), I do not know when to do so, since I do not know when or if the participant will experience being blocked in the experiment. Resetting it each time at the beginning is also not good because then I will be generating the same group, and my materials are distributed across the three groups. I think the best solution will be avoiding the blocking in the first place. Otherwise, an ideal solution should be able to keep track whether the participant finished the experiment or not, what group he/she saw last in the cases when this specific participant (and not another participant) did not finish the experiment and he/she is re-doing the experiment. Only under those conditions (having a previous participant whose last attempt to complete the experiment was unsuccessful) can the system provide another group. Somehow this has to be explicitly labeled: that it is the same participant re-doing the experiment (although with a different group). Also, re-doing should only be possible when the last trial was unsuccessful, but not otherwise (unless explicitly allowed by the experimenter). Otherwise, when participants finish the experiment successfully the group can be incremented as normal. In addition there should be a way to store the total number of successful completions of the experiment (unsuccessful attempts excluded) (I think this is currently done with the count variable).

    4. I will definitely consider trying the new PC-Ibex-farm, either for my real experiment or in future experiments.

    Thank you.



    Sample of the results.csv file


    The file refers to the uploaded file previous trial

    How do you upload the recordings? Do you insert asynchronous UploadedRecordings trials regularly? You can make them synchronous if you want to make sure that the experiment does not proceed to the next trial until the recordings have been uploaded (although your participants might have to wait a while after each trial)

    I’m not sure why you wouldn’t get a line for the last zip file, but it could be that the specific way your experiment is coded makes it send results to the CSV file before it can run the last UploadedRecordings trial

    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,41,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,40,_Trial_,Start,1613560672238,filler1,APAdvAN,четири,врата,При проверката се намериха четири отворени с много малкото ключе,врата,A,STE-027_mono.wav,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,41,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,UploadRecordings,Filename,,1613560672327,filler1,APAdvAN,четири,врата,При проверката се намериха четири отворени с много малкото ключе,врата,A,STE-027_mono.wav,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A,async
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,41,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,UploadRecordings,Status,Success,1613560672327,filler1,APAdvAN,четири,врата,При проверката се намериха четири отворени с много малкото ключе,врата,A,STE-027_mono.wav,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A,async
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,41,0,experiment,NULL,Button,continue,Click,Click,1613560684051,filler1,APAdvAN,четири,врата,При проверката се намериха четири отворени с много малкото ключе,врата,A,STE-027_mono.wav,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,41,0,experiment,NULL,MediaRecorder,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A,Filename,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A.webm,1613560684053,filler1,APAdvAN,четири,врата,При проверката се намериха четири отворени с много малкото ключе,врата,A,STE-027_mono.wav,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,41,0,experiment,NULL,MediaRecorder,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A,Recording,Start,1613560681609,filler1,APAdvAN,четири,врата,При проверката се намериха четири отворени с много малкото ключе,врата,A,STE-027_mono.wav,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,41,0,experiment,NULL,MediaRecorder,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A,Recording,Stop,1613560682908,filler1,APAdvAN,четири,врата,При проверката се намериха четири отворени с много малкото ключе,врата,A,STE-027_mono.wav,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,41,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,40,_Trial_,End,1613560684053,filler1,APAdvAN,четири,врата,При проверката се намериха четири отворени с много малкото ключе,врата,A,STE-027_mono.wav,filler1_APAdvAN_врата_четири_A,NULL
    # Columns below this comment are as follows:
    # 1. Time results were received.
    # 2. MD5 hash of participant's IP address.
    # 3. Controller name.
    # 4. Item number.
    # 5. Element number.
    # 6. Type.
    # 7. Group.
    # 8. PennElementType.
    # 9. PennElementName.
    # 10. Parameter.
    # 11. Value.
    # 12. EventTime.
    # Columns below this comment are as follows:
    # 1. Time results were received.
    # 2. MD5 hash of participant's IP address.
    # 3. Controller name.
    # 4. Item number.
    # 5. Element number.
    # 6. Type.
    # 7. Group.
    # 8. PennElementType.
    # 9. PennElementName.
    # 10. Parameter.
    # 11. Value.
    # 12. EventTime.
    # 13. Type.
    # 14. Condition Label.
    # 15. Numeral.
    # 16. Target Noun.
    # 17. Final Sentence.
    # 18. Target Noun.
    # 19. Group.
    # 20. Audio File.
    # 21. Output Audio File.
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,37,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,36,_Trial_,Start,1613560684058,filler1,APN,шест,купичка,В шкафа стояха шест пълни с камъчета,купичка,A,STE-014_mono.wav,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,37,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,UploadRecordings,Filename,,1613560684170,filler1,APN,шест,купичка,В шкафа стояха шест пълни с камъчета,купичка,A,STE-014_mono.wav,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,async
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,37,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,UploadRecordings,Status,Success,1613560684170,filler1,APN,шест,купичка,В шкафа стояха шест пълни с камъчета,купичка,A,STE-014_mono.wav,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,async
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,37,0,experiment,NULL,Button,continue,Click,Click,1613560695089,filler1,APN,шест,купичка,В шкафа стояха шест пълни с камъчета,купичка,A,STE-014_mono.wav,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,37,0,experiment,NULL,MediaRecorder,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,Filename,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A.webm,1613560695090,filler1,APN,шест,купичка,В шкафа стояха шест пълни с камъчета,купичка,A,STE-014_mono.wav,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,37,0,experiment,NULL,MediaRecorder,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,Recording,Start,1613560692800,filler1,APN,шест,купичка,В шкафа стояха шест пълни с камъчета,купичка,A,STE-014_mono.wav,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,37,0,experiment,NULL,MediaRecorder,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,Recording,Stop,1613560694156,filler1,APN,шест,купичка,В шкафа стояха шест пълни с камъчета,купичка,A,STE-014_mono.wav,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,37,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,36,_Trial_,End,1613560695091,filler1,APN,шест,купичка,В шкафа стояха шест пълни с камъчета,купичка,A,STE-014_mono.wav,filler1_APN_купичка_шест_A,NULL
    # Columns below this comment are as follows:
    # 1. Time results were received.
    # 2. MD5 hash of participant's IP address.
    # 3. Controller name.
    # 4. Item number.
    # 5. Element number.
    # 6. Type.
    # 7. Group.
    # 8. PennElementType.
    # 9. PennElementName.
    # 10. Parameter.
    # 11. Value.
    # 12. EventTime.
    # Columns below this comment are as follows:
    # 1. Time results were received.
    # 2. MD5 hash of participant's IP address.
    # 3. Controller name.
    # 4. Item number.
    # 5. Element number.
    # 6. Type.
    # 7. Group.
    # 8. PennElementType.
    # 9. PennElementName.
    # 10. Parameter.
    # 11. Value.
    # 12. EventTime.
    # 13. Type.
    # 14. Condition Label.
    # 15. Numeral.
    # 16. Target Noun.
    # 17. Final Sentence.
    # 18. Target Noun.
    # 19. Group.
    # 20. Audio File.
    # 21. Output Audio File.
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,73,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,72,_Trial_,Start,1613560695096,filler2,APN,,карамфил,От градината бяха откъснати засадените от девойката,карамфил,A,STE-044_mono.wav,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,73,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,UploadRecordings,Filename,,1613560695207,filler2,APN,,карамфил,От градината бяха откъснати засадените от девойката,карамфил,A,STE-044_mono.wav,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,async
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,73,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,UploadRecordings,Status,Success,1613560695207,filler2,APN,,карамфил,От градината бяха откъснати засадените от девойката,карамфил,A,STE-044_mono.wav,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,async
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,73,0,experiment,NULL,Button,continue,Click,Click,1613560706669,filler2,APN,,карамфил,От градината бяха откъснати засадените от девойката,карамфил,A,STE-044_mono.wav,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,73,0,experiment,NULL,MediaRecorder,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,Filename,filler2_APN_карамфил__A.webm,1613560706671,filler2,APN,,карамфил,От градината бяха откъснати засадените от девойката,карамфил,A,STE-044_mono.wav,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,73,0,experiment,NULL,MediaRecorder,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,Recording,Start,1613560704038,filler2,APN,,карамфил,От градината бяха откъснати засадените от девойката,карамфил,A,STE-044_mono.wav,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,73,0,experiment,NULL,MediaRecorder,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,Recording,Stop,1613560705496,filler2,APN,,карамфил,От градината бяха откъснати засадените от девойката,карамфил,A,STE-044_mono.wav,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,NULL
    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,73,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,72,_Trial_,End,1613560706671,filler2,APN,,карамфил,От градината бяха откъснати засадените от девойката,карамфил,A,STE-044_mono.wav,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,NULL
    # Columns below this comment are as follows:
    # 1. Time results were received.
    # 2. MD5 hash of participant's IP address.
    # 3. Controller name.
    # 4. Item number.
    # 5. Element number.
    # 6. Type.
    # 7. Group.
    # 8. PennElementType.
    # 9. PennElementName.
    # 10. Parameter.
    # 11. Value.
    # 12. EventTime.


    full main.js file:

    PennController.ResetPrefix(null) // Shorten command names (keep this line here)
    var progressBarText = "прогрес"
    Sequence("intro", "intro1",  "demo", "trials",  "demo1",  "demo2", "expbegin", sepWith("sendAsync", randomize("experiment")), "sendAsync", SendResults(), "bye")
    ////Sequence("expbegin", sepWith("sendAsync", randomize("experiment")))
    ////Sequence("intro", "intro1", "intro2", "trials")
    ////("intro", "trials")
    ////Sequence("intro", "intro1", "demo",  "trials", "demo1",  "demo2","expbegin", sepWith("sendAsync", randomize("experiment")) ok 
    ////Sequence("intro", "intro1", "trials","demo1",  "demo2","expbegin", sepWith("sendAsync", randomize("experiment")))
    /////////InitiateRecorder("", "")
    InitiateRecorder("", "Моля, регулирайте настройките на своя браузър, за да разрешите достъп до микрофона. След това натиснете връзката по-долу.")
    ///InitiateRecorder("", "")
    UploadRecordings("sendAsync", "noblock")
        let replaceConsentMic = ()=>{
                let consentLink = $(".PennController-PennController a.Message-continue-link");
                if (consentLink.length > 0 && consentLink[0].innerHTML.match(/^By clicking this link I understand that I grant this experiment's script access to my recording device/))
                    consentLink.html("Давам съгласието си за използване на микрофона и за записване на гласа ми в този експеримент. ");
                    window.requestAnimationFrame( replaceConsentMic );
        window.requestAnimationFrame( replaceConsentMic );
                newText("Здравейте! В рамките на изследователски проект в Университета в Нова Горица, Словения и Университета в Женева, Швейцария изследваме как носителите на езика устно обработват изречения с различна дължина и сложност.")
                newText("Експериментът отнема около 25 минути. Предоставените от Вас данни ще бъдат използвани само за целите на това научно изследване и няма да бъдат разпространявани неправомерно.")
                newText("Вашата задача е да изслушате незавършени изречения, след това да ги довършите, като произнесете само последната дума.")
    Вие чувате: Мартин беше построил красиви пясъчни<br>
    Зададена дума: <i>замък</i><br>
    Вие произнасяте: <i>замъци</i>`)
                newText("Моля, използвайте формите, които звучат най-добре за Вас, когато завършвате изреченията. Следвайте интуицията си, без да обмисляте отговора си при изпълнението на задачата и без да използвате помощ от други източници.")
                newText("Докато произнасяте последната дума, ще трябва да запишете гласа си, като използвате микрофона на компютъра си. За да запишете отговора си, натиснете върху бутон „Запис“. За да спрете записа, натиснете върху бутона „Стоп“.")
                newText("За да можете да запишете гласа си, ще Ви е нужен работещ микрофон. Преди да продължите по-нататък с експеримента, моля, пробвайте да запишете и изслушате своя глас, за да се уверите, че всичко работи, както трябва.")
      newMediaRecorder("test0_recording", "audio")
                  newButton("continue_to_questionaire", "Продължете нататък")
        newHtml("demographics", "ru_wh_demo.html")
        .checkboxWarning("Моля, изберете една от възможностите.")
        .inputWarning("Моля, попълнете това поле.")
        .radioWarning("Моля, изберете една от възможностите.")
            newButton("continue_to_examples", "Продължете нататък")
                  .failure( getHtml("demographics").warn() )
    newTrial ("trials",
                newText("Ще започнем с две примерни изречения, за да добиете представа за задачата. След тях започва настоящият експеримент.")
      newButton("continue_to_example_1", "Продължете с пример 1")
    newTrial ("demo1", 
     newText("Пример 1:")
        newButton("listen_to_example_1", "Изслушайте изречението")
        newAudio("test1_audio", "Training/mono/STE-001_mono.wav")
        newTimer("wait", 500)
        newText("<p style=\"font-size:18pt\">кон</p>")
    //  newText("instructions", "Моля, повторете и довършете изречението, като поставите думата по-горе в подходящата форма и запишете отговора си:")
    //          .print()
    //          .center()
    //          .css("padding-bottom","20px")
    //          .css("padding-top","20px")
      newText("instructions", "Моля, довършете изречението, като поставите думата по-горе в подходящата форма и запишете отговора си:")
    //          newAudio("myAudio", "http://myserver/audio.mp3")
          newMediaRecorder("test1_recording", "audio")
          newButton("continue_to_example_2", "Продължете с пример 2")
     newText("Пример 2:")
        newButton("listen_to_example_2", "Изслушайте изречението")
        newAudio("test2_audio", "Training/mono/STE-002_mono.wav")
        newTimer("wait", 500)
        newText("<p style=\"font-size:18pt\">крава</p>")
    //  newText("instructions", "Моля, повторете и довършете изречението, като поставите думата по-горе в подходящата форма и запишете отговора си:")
    //          .print()
    //          .center()
    //          .css("padding-bottom","20px")
    //          .css("padding-top","20px")
      newText("instructions", "Моля, довършете изречението, като поставите думата по-горе в подходящата форма и запишете отговора си:")
    //          newAudio("myAudio", "http://myserver/audio.mp3")
          newMediaRecorder("test2_recording", "audio")
          newButton("continue_to_experiment", "Продължете с експеримента")
    newTrial ("expbegin",
          newText("Сега сме готови да започнем с основния експеримент.")
          newButton("begin_experiment", "Започнете експеримента")
          variable => newTrial("experiment",
        newButton("listen_to_sentence", "Изслушайте изречението")
        newAudio("target", variable.PathOfAudioFile)
        newTimer("wait", 500)
        newText("<p style=\"font-size:18pt\">"+variable.BaseFormOfTargetNoun+"</p>")
      newText("instructions", "Моля, довършете изречението, като поставите думата по-горе в подходящата форма и запишете отговора си:")
    //          newAudio("myAudio", "http://myserver/audio.mp3")
            newMediaRecorder(variable.OutputAudioFile, "audio")
          newButton("continue_with_next_sentence", "Продължете със следващия пример")
      .log("Condition Label",variable.ConditionLabel)
      .log("Target Noun",variable.BaseFormOfTargetNoun)
      .log("Final Sentence",variable.FinalSentence)
      .log("Target Noun",variable.BaseFormOfTargetNoun)
      .log("Audio File",variable.TargetAudioFile)
      .log("Output Audio File",variable.OutputAudioFile)
    newTrial( "bye" ,
       newText("Това е краят на екперимента. Благодарим Ви за участието! Ако имате въпроси относно експеримента, може да се обърнете по електронна поща към професор Артур Степанов '', професор Пенка Статева '' или Данил Христов ''.")
      //  ,  
      // newButton()
          .wait()  // Wait for a click on a non-displayed button = wait here forever
    //.setOption("showProgressBar ",false)
    //.setOption( "countsForProgressBar" , false )
    // Make sure the progress bar is full upon reaching this last (non-)trial
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Jeremy. Reason: added code formatting

    By the way, you can ignore the last two paragraphs they were copied by mistake from my e-mail.


    Hi Danil


    I know the recordings of the trial before the last trial and the last trial are uploaded because I can see the lines


    These lines simply report that the UploadRecordings trial was run, they do not report that any file was uploaded. The lines that report successful uploads are the ones you mention otherwise, which include the filename of the zip file that was uploaded, like this one:

    1613560743,856aafdd008ea714bef357058d6b9c1c,PennController,73,0,experiment,NULL,PennController,UploadRecordings,Filename,,1613560695207,filler2,APN,,карамфил,От градината бяха откъснати засадените от девойката,карамфил,A,STE-044_mono.wav,filler2_APN_карамфил__A,async

    It does not seem to be a problem of coding since the final uploading (which is asynchronous (the line used in the main file is indeed UploadRecordings(“sendAsync”, “noblock”)) and the next trial begins before the last upload has completed, which in turn explains why each .zip file points to the preceding trial) seems to happen after the execution of the final trial (as the second “sendAsync”) suggests.

    Precisely, this is why I suggested you make (at least the last of) your UploadRecordings trial synchronous, so that the final screen is only reached after upload has completed

    Contrary to your previous suggestion I cannot input this information with my materials during the experiment, since I do not have a direct control of my participants.

    Are you referring to this message? I’m not sure how it is relevant to the current point, which is about checking whether the (algorithmatically uniquely-named) zip files have been uploaded

    Contrary again to your previous suggestion, I wouldn’t want to reset the value of this counter file, since this file contains important information about the number of participants.

    Are you referring to my suggestion to use the SetCounter command to increase the value of the counter early in the experiment? Using that command would not reset the counter, it would simply change the default behavior of automatically increasing the counter at the end of experiment, and would increase it wherever you run the SetCounter trial instead (for example, at the very beginning of the experiment, if you make that SetCoutner trial the first one to run). If you want to test your experiment in a specific group without editing anything in your project, use the withsquare method described in the tutorial.

    Regarding adding participant-identifying info to the filenames of your audio recordings (ie not the uploaded zip files themselves, but the files they contain): for the reasons you describe, two or more participants could run the experiment with the same counter value, but generating another unique id, in addition to the MD5 hash that’s reported at the beginning of every line, and adding it at the end of every line is not terribly difficult. Just add this to your script:

    var id = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, c=>{
      const r = Math.random() * 16 | 0,v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
      return v.toString(16)];
      // void
    .log("uniqueID", id)

    And then add +id to your MediaRecorder elements’ names, for example newMediaRecorder("test1_recording"+id, "audio") / getMediaRecorder("test1_recording"+id)

    3. The first thing you should do, assuming you are hosting your experiment on a secure domain (which is the case on the PCIbex Farm) is replace your line




    In any case, your experiment seems to use many files, each between 250-800KB: I wouldn’t be surprised if the servers where you host your files just stopped serving some files after too many requests in a short time window. Which makes me reiterate my recommendation to consolidate them into one or a few zip files. You can easily generate unique filenames by prefixing the name of their current containing folder, eg: Fillers2_STE-001_mono.wav

    Regarding some of your participants taking your experiment again: this is something you should avoid, so I think you should rather spend time and efforts reducing the likelihood that they would have to take your experiment again. I don’t know how you will be recruiting your participants and what resources you have access to, but my policy with online experiments has been to pay each participant only once, so they had no incentive to take the experiment again after completing it once, and to pay them even if they couldn’t finish the experiment as long as they can prove that they tried (usually by describing the content of the experiment and/or sending a screenshot). In my opinion, the counter-based conditional system that you describe seems overly complicated, and ultimately not necessary once the initial problem has been addressed.

    Feel free to send me a link to your experiment here or by email at


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