Reply To: Can't get results properly recorded

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Can't get results properly recorded Reply To: Can't get results properly recorded



The problem of Controller-DashedSentence is solved. I see there is another column called “reading time” that shows the reading times for every word.

However, I still can’t get the keypress recorded. Here is one line in the result file: “1586082589,1baa4fb752f7ebba39b52132ef756e46,PennController,1,0,test,NULL,Key,re_stroop,Key,NA,Never,undefined,(failed keypresses happened)”. I am sure that I have pressed the key because the .callback(getTimer("delay1").stop()) executed well. I tried to put the .log() before the .callback(getTimer("delay1").stop()) (i.e. right after newKey("re_stroop", 49, 50, 51)), but I still get “NA … (failed keypresses happened)”.

I also tried:

newKey("re_stroop", 49, 50, 51)

I can get the keypress recorded by this code. A line of result: “1586081680,1baa4fb752f7ebba39b52132ef756e46,PennController,1,0,test,NULL,Key,re_stroop,PressedKey,2,1586081657979,undefined,Wait success”, but it seems that .log() can’t work along with .callback()?