Tutorial [until 5/9/19]

this tutorial is obsolete and only maintained for archiving purposes. Please refer to the new tutorial instead.

This wiki is meant as support material for workshops on PennController 1.2. PennController is pre-installed on the PCIbex Farm but needs to be added to projects created on Alex Drummond’s original Ibex Farm.

Requirements / Preparation

Web Browser

First of all, you need to make sure that you are using a web browser that is compatible with PennController 1.2. Avoid using Internet Explorer or Edge. PennController 1.2 has been tested on recent versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari in their desktop versions (i.e., not Android / iOs). We are trying to make PennController as versatile as possible, but cross-browser and cross-platform support is still limited for the moment. Nonetheless, we have never fallen short of participants even with such requirements (just make sure you invite them to use the proper browsers).


You can create an account on the PCIbex Farm. Simply follow the instructions on the page. PCIbex Farm does not share your email with anyone and never sends you emails other than for password retrieval purposes.

Once you have created your account, you can create a new project by clicking Create a new experiment. When you click the link of the experiment you created, you arrive on a page listing folders ending with _includes (boldface) for most of them, and files ending with .html, .css or .js. The original Ibex documentation explains the structure of a project, but keep in mind that PennController trials do not follow the same conventions as built-in types of trials (what Ibex calls controllers).


Congratulations, you are all set! You are now ready to start reading the tutorials and/or attend the workshop!

Let’s start by taking a look at the script editor.