
The VoiceRecorder element is deprecated since PennController 1.8. See instead. getVoiceRecorder(id).test.playing() (since beta 0.3) Tests whether the recording is currently being played back.


The VoiceRecorder element is deprecated since PennController 1.8. See instead. getVoiceRecorder(id).test.hasPlayed() (since beta 0.3) Tests whether the recording was ever played back.


The VoiceRecorder element is deprecated since PennController 1.8. See instead. getVoiceRecorder(id).settings.once() Disables the button to record after the first recording. You can still record using the action command record. Example: [js highlight=”5″ try=”data”]InitiateRecorder(“https://myserver/upload.php”); newTrial( newVoiceRecorder(“recorder”) .settings.once() .print() .wait() .play() .wait(“playback”) );[/js] Adds a recording and a playback button to the page, and when the recording …


The VoiceRecorder element is deprecated since PennController 1.8. See instead. getVoiceRecorder(id).settings.log() Will add a line whenever a recording starts and whenever it stops. Note that a line with the filename of the recorded sample is always logged anyway even if you do not call .settings.log(), so you can identify it in the output archive. [js …


The VoiceRecorder element is deprecated since PennController 1.8. See instead. getVoiceRecorder(id).wait() or getVoiceRecorder(id).wait(“first”) or getVoiceRecorder(id).wait(“playback”) (since PennController 1.1) Waits for the current (or next) recording to be over. If you pass “first” and a recording had already been done by the time this command get evaluated and executed, the commands that come next are immediately …


The VoiceRecorder element is deprecated since PennController 1.8. See instead. getVoiceRecorder(id).stop() Stop recording audio / playing last recording. Example: [js highlight=”12,20″ try=”data”]InitiateRecorder(“https://myserver/upload.php”); newTrial( newVoiceRecorder(“recorder”) .record() , newTimer(“recording”, 3000) .start() .wait() , getVoiceRecorder(“recorder”) .stop() .play() , newTimer(“preview”, 1000) .start() .wait() , getVoiceRecorder(“recorder”) .stop() );[/js] Will start recording audio and stop recording after 2s, then play back …


The VoiceRecorder element is deprecated since PennController 1.8. See instead. getVoiceRecorder(id).record() Starts recording audio. Example: [js highlight=”5″ try=”data”]InitiateRecorder(“https://myserver/upload.php”); newTrial( newVoiceRecorder(“recorder”) .record() , newTimer(“recording”, 2000) .start() .wait() , getVoiceRecorder(“recorder”) .stop() .play() .wait(“playback”) );[/js] Will record audio for 2s and then play it back.


The VoiceRecorder element is deprecated since PennController 1.8. See instead. getVoiceRecorder(id).play() Starts playing the last recording (if any). Example: [js highlight=”13″ try=”data”]InitiateRecorder(“https://myserver/upload.php”); newTrial( newVoiceRecorder(“recorder”) .record() , newTimer(“recording”, 2000) .start() .wait() , getVoiceRecorder(“recorder”) .stop() .play() .wait(“playback”) ); [/js] Will record audio for 2s and then play it back.

VoiceRecorder element

The VoiceRecorder element is deprecated since PennController 1.8. See the MediaRecorder element instead.