
getElement(id).settings.right() Makes the element appear horizontally aligned to the right. Note: the right means the right of the container of the element, not necessarily the right of the screen. Example: [js highlight=”5″ try=”true”] newText(“sentence”, “This is a longer sentence”) .print() , newText(“helloworld”, “Hello world”) .settings.right() .print() [/js] Prints Hello world onto the screen, horizontally aligned …


getElement(id).settings.log() Will add lines to the results file reporting element-specific events. See each Element page to see what gets recorded, and which parameter you can pass to log. For , and the results lines will report the timestamp corresponding to when print was called (if it was called). Example [js highlight=”6″] newButton(“go”, “Go!”) .print() .wait() …


getElement(id).settings.left() Makes the element appear horizontally aligned to the left (default). Note: the left means the left of the container of the element, not necessarily the left of the screen. Example: [js highlight=”10″ try=”true”]newText(“helloworld”, “Hello world”) .settings.right() .print() , newButton(“left”, “Align text to the left”) .print() .wait() , getText(“helloworld”) .settings.left() [/js] Prints Hello world onto …


getElement(id).settings.hidden() (since beta 0.3) Makes the element invisible. Note that when printed, a hidden element still occupies space on the page, but its content is not visible. Example: [js highlight=”5″ try=”true”]newText(“instruction”, “Guess what fruit is in the image below”) .print() , newImage(“fruit”, “pear.png”) .settings.hidden() .print() , newButton(“reveal”, “Reveal fruit”) .print() .wait() , getImage(“fruit”) .settings.visible() [/js] …


getElement(id).settings.enable() Enables any interactive feature of the element that was previously disabled. Example: [js highlight=”8″ try=”true”] newAudio(“sentence”, “test.mp3”) .settings.once() .print() , newKey(“secret key”, “R”) .wait() , getAudio(“sentence”) .settings.enable() [/js] Prints buttons to play/pause the audio file test_sentence.ogg, and disables those buttons when the file has played through (see ).


getElement(id).settings.disable() Disables any interactive feature of the element. Note: this does not prevent an element that is part of a from being selected. Example: [js highlight=”6″ try=”true”] newAudio(“sentence”, “test.mp3”) .print() .wait() , getAudio(“sentence”) .settings.disable() [/js] Prints buttons to play/pause the audio file test_sentence.ogg, and disables those buttons when the file has played through.


getElement(id).settings.css(“styleName”, “style”) or getElement(id).settings.css({“style name 1”: “style 1”, “style name 2”: “style 2″}) Applies the CSS style(s) to the element. Example: [js highlight=”2″ try=”true”] newText(“frame”, “framed”) .settings.css(“border”, “solid 1px black”) , newText(“sentence”, “The last word of this sentence is “) .settings.after( getText(“frame”) ) .print() [/js] Prints a text reading The last word of this sentence …

getElement(id) Makes the element appear centered on the horizontal axis. Example: [js highlight=”2″ try=”true”] newText(“helloworld”, “Hello world”) .print() [/js] Prints Hello world onto the screen, horizontally centered.


getElement(id).settings.bold() Makes any text in the element appear boldfaced. Example: [js highlight=”2″ try=”true”] newText(“warnning”, “NOTE: this text is a warning!”) .settings.bold() .settings.italic() .settings.color(“red”) .print() [/js] Prints a text in boldface, italic and red.


or getElement(id).settings.before( getElement(id) ) Adds some content to the left of the element. Example: [js highlight=”6,12″ try=”true”] newImage(“bad”, “no.png”) , newImage(“good”, “ya.png”) , newText(“left label”, “Bad”) .settings.before( getImage(“bad”) ) , newText(“right label”, “Good”) .settings.after( getImage(“good”) ) , newScale(“judgment”, 5) .settings.before( getText(“left label”) ) .settings.after( getText(“right label”) ) .print() .wait() [/js] Creates two image and two …