getElement(id).settings.after( getElement(id) ) Adds some content to the right of the element. Example: [js highlight=”9,13″ try=”true”] newImage(“bad”, “no.png”) , newImage(“good”, “ya.png”) , newText(“left label”, “Bad”) .settings.before( getImage(“bad”) ) , newText(“right label”, “Good”) .settings.after( getImage(“good”) ) , newScale(“judgment”, 5) .settings.before( getText(“left label”) ) .settings.after( getText(“right label”) ) .print() .wait() [/js] Creates two image and two text …
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getElement(id).print() or getElement(id).print(x,y) (limited support in PennController 1.3, general since 1.4) or getElement(id).print(x,y,canvas) (limited support in PennController 1.3, general since 1.4) Adds the content of the element to the screen. This has no effect for non-visual elements such as the purely interactive . Since PennController 1.3, you can pass x and y values to print …