
getEyeTracker(id).add( element1 , element2, ... ) (since PennController 1.8)

Adds elements to be tracked.

Any commands passed to callback will be executed on every cycle (or span of cycles) where the estimated looks fall on one of the specified elements.

Once you add elements to the tracker and use start, the tracker will report 1 (looked-at) or 0 (not looked-at) for every element on every cycle, which will be sent to your PHP script at the end of the trial.

Looked at element also receive the CSS class eyetracked.


[js highlight=”16″ try=”data”]newTrial( newButton(“Start”).print().wait(newEyeTracker().test.ready()) )

newButton(“Click here first”).print(“20vw”,”40vh”).wait().remove(),
newButton(“Now Click here”).print(“60vw”,”40vh”).wait().remove()
newText(“Left”).css(“padding”,”20vw”).print(“20vw”, “40vh”),
newText(“Right”).css(“padding”,”20vw”).print(“60vw”, “40vh”)
.add( getText(“Left”) , getText(“Right”) )
newSelector().add( getText(“Left”) , getText(“Right”) ).wait()

Will add Left and Right as tracked elements.

Published by Jeremy

Researcher in semantics and pragmatics; Programmer of PennController for IBEX