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  • in reply to: How to make keypress add a CSS class to text #10946

    Basically, what I mean is: I cannot use the logic from the previous code on this one. In this code, I have a list of words separated by _ in a single row in a column called ‘Words’. The words are slipt into 10 chunks each. I’d like to highlight the single words by the keypress on the spacebar, but I cannot do it. I’d like to make the highlighted word appear and when the word in the tenth in the column, move on to the next one.

    in reply to: How to make keypress add a CSS class to text #10942

    Hi, @Jeremy ,
    I’m trying to adapt this code following the same rationale, but I’m struggling with that, I cannot display 10 words and make the highlight isolate single words.

    newText("words", row.Words.split('_').slice(0,10).join("<br>")) // use slice to get the 10 first words
               'line-height': '1.5',
               padding: '0.5em', // 0.5
              'text-align': 'center',
              "justify-content": 'center',
              "align-items": 'center' ,
              'font-size': '50px',
              'font-family': 'Arial'
        newVar("listOfWords", ""), // we'll set this Var element to the next list of words
        newVar("nextWordStartsAt").set(10) // this is the index where the next 10 words start
        newKey("NEXT", " ")
                // first make sure that the index is within bounds
                    // set listOfWords to the next words
                        .set(getVar("nextWordStartsAt")) // first look up the index
                        .set(v=>row.Words.split('_').slice(v,v+10).join("<br>")) // then use the index+slice to get the next 10 words
                    getText("words").text( getVar("listOfWords") ) // update the content of the Text element
                    getVar("nextWordStartsAt").set(v=>v+10) // the next list of 10 words starts 10 words further
    in reply to: Issue with ‘.before()’ #10830


    It worked like this:

    newVar("hi--text").set(getVar("fantasy--name")).set(v=>`Olá, ${v} !😄`) // create new var to show text.
    newText("welcome--fantasy--name--msg").text( getVar("hi--text") ) // show text.
        "font-size": "60px", 
        "background-image": "linear-gradient(to top left, #0099CC, #66CCFF)",
        "border-radius": "25px"})

    Is this the best way to do it, tho?

    in reply to: About timeouts #10810

    getAudio('keyPressAudio').play().wait('first') <- this seems to work, but I don’t think that’s the best way to do it, right?

    in reply to: About timeouts #10809

    Hi, @Jeremy ! What is the best way to get the same effect (play the click sound when a button is clicked) using a selector? Like this:

    I tried to use a .callback as well, but it didn’t work…With the code below, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t (the audio is just an effect of a click)

    newImage("mainImage", row.image)
      "display": "block",
      "position": "fixed",
      "top": "35vh", // 50% of the viewport height
      "left": '50%', // Use 50% for horizontal centering and 15% and 85% left/right
      "transform": "translate(-50%, -50%)",
     //  "width": "25em", // Replace with the desired width of the image in em units
     // "height": "25em", // Replace with the desired height of the image in em units
      "z-index": "9999", // To make sure the image is on top of other elements
    newAudio('keyPressAudio', "keyPress1.mp3")
      .add("center at 10%", "bottom at 100%", newButton("btn--1", "1").selector("position"))
      .add("center at 30%", "bottom at 100%", newButton("btn--2", "2").selector("position"))
      .add("center at 50%", "bottom at 100%", newButton("btn--3", "3").selector("position"))
      .add("center at 70%", "bottom at 100%", newButton("btn--4", "4").selector("position"))
      .add("center at 90%", "bottom at 100%", newButton("btn--5", "5").selector("position"))
          "top": "40vh"
     // .log("item", row.imageAudio)
      .log('image', row.image)
      .log("correctKey", row.correctKey)
    in reply to: About timeouts #10805

    Perfect! Thank you very much (again) for the detailed feedback 🙂

    in reply to: About timeouts #10803

    @Jeremy, If I include an audio effect, will I bias the reaction time and the time out ? Like this:

    does it influence the rt and the timeout?

    newAudio('keyPressAudio', "keyPress1.mp3")
            .callback( getTimer("timeout").stop(), // the key stops the time
                       getAudio('keyPressAudio').play())   ////////////////// <--------------------- HERE 
    getTimer("timeout").wait() // wait for the timeout to finish (no keypress, the time isn't stoped) ???
    // Check for the correct key press or timeout
        .test.pressed(row.correctKey) // check keys
            // Display "Correct" message and wait for positive feedback timer
            newText("Correct ✅").center().print(),
            newTimer('wait-positive-feedback', 500).start().wait()
            // Check for timeout before displaying "Incorrect" message
                // Display "Timeout" message and wait for feedback timer
                getVar('errorCount').set(v=> v+1),
                newText("Timeout ⏰").center().print(),
                newTimer('wait-feedback', 500).start().wait()
                // Display "Incorrect" message and wait for negative feedback timer
                getVar('errorCount').set(v=> v+1),
                newText("Incorrect ❌").center().print(),
                newTimer('wait-neg-feedback', 500).start().wait()
    in reply to: About timeouts #10802

    Thanks for the quick response!! So, the logic is:

    .success: ✅ : if the eow.correctKey was pressed
    timeout ⏰: if NO KEY was pressed
    error message ❌: if a key != from row.correctKey (already evaluated before) was pressed. Right?

    getKey("answerKey") // Check for the correct key press or timeout
        .test.pressed(row.correctKey) // check keys (options are K and S)
            newText("Correct ✅").center().print(), // Display "Correct" message 
            newTimer('wait-positive-feedback', 500).start().wait() // Wait for positive feedback timer
             getKey("answerKey").disable().test.pressed()  // => IF ANY KEY WAS PRESSED Was pressed, then display the timeout
                // Display "Timeout" message and wait for feedback timer
                newText("Timeout ⏰").center().print(),
                newTimer('wait-feedback', 500).start().wait()
            .success(         // IF A KEY != FROM row.correctKey was pressed, then display the INCORRECT
                newText("Incorrect ❌").center().print(),  // display negative feedback
                newTimer('wait-neg-feedback', 500).start().wait()   // Wait for negative feedback timer
    in reply to: About timeouts #10800

    Hi,Jeremy! Thank you for this detailed answer, I REALLY appreciate it! Now I got it! So, I can say that the .stop() command makes the .wait() understand that the time has finished without waiting for the whol 5s, right? Now I got it! What about the feedback in the previous trial:

    It should be: “If user presses the correctKey, show the ✅; if he/she presses the wrong key, ❌; in case of a timwout (5 seconds), show the timeout message ⏰

    Is this the correct syntax? It seems to be working just fine, but I’m not 100% sure

    getKey("answerKey") // Check for the correct key press or timeout
        .test.pressed(row.correctKey) // check keys (options are K and S)
            newText("Correct ✅").center().print(), // Display "Correct" message 
            newTimer('wait-positive-feedback', 500).start().wait() // Wait for positive feedback timer
             getKey("answerKey").disable().test.pressed("K", "S")  // IF NEITHER K OR S was pressed, then display the timeout
                // Display "Timeout" message and wait for feedback timer
                newText("Timeout ⏰").center().print(),
                newTimer('wait-feedback', 500).start().wait()
            .success(         // IF EITHER K OR S was pressed, then display the INCORRECT ANSWER IF IT DOENSN'T MATCH THE row.correctKey key
                newText("Incorrect ❌").center().print(),  // display negative feedback
                newTimer('wait-neg-feedback', 500).start().wait()   // Wait for negative feedback timer
    in reply to: Can we change the recording authorization text? #10770

    update: @Jeremy, I saw your answer here: And I guess I was able to update the message in the PennController.js in the Modules folder! I changed the message there, is that a problem?

    in reply to: Can we change the recording authorization text? #10769

    Hi, @Jeremy! It’s not working, I can only change the text above the message, but not the message itself. How do I do that?

    in reply to: Can we change the recording authorization text? #10763

    Or, @Jeremy , can we put the link inside a href with <.a.> </a.>? (for example putting (i.e, hiding) the link inside a text or a button) ?

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Larissa_Cury.
    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Larissa_Cury.
    in reply to: Get the previous row of a column #10744

    Hi, @Jeremy ! I could fiz the previous issue, I wasn’t adding a .wait(). However, the getTEXT() bellow do not show to be working:

    Note: they are working in another experiment just fine, I don’t know why they aren’t here:

    // 👉 Instructions trial 
    newCanvas("my-canvas", 950,625) //950, 625
          .add(180,160, getText("welcome-researcher-msg"))
          .add(150,210, getText("type-ID-msg"))
          .add(225,240, getTextInput("inputID"))
          .add(320,320, getButton("wait"))
          .add(270,350, getText("failure"))
            "padding": "1,5em",
            "background-color": '#FFFCF1',
            "border-radius": '25px',
            "border": '2px solid #73AD21'
    newText("welcome-researcher-msg", "Welcome, researcher!")
       // "border": "5px solid black",
      //  "background-color": "yellow",
      //  "color": "black",
    newText("type-ID-msg", "<br>Please, type <b style=color:red;>your participant's ID</b> below and click on 'START EXPERIMENT'.</br>")
        newTextInput("inputID", "")
                "margin":"2em",  // Add a em margin around this element
                "border-radius": "4px",
    newButton("wait","START EXPERIMENT 👉")
      "border": "none",
      "font-size": "40px",
      "padding": "0.5rem 1rem",
      "border-radius": "0.7rem",
     // "color": "white",
      "background-color": "green",
      "cursor": "pointer",
    // Only validate a click on Start when inputID has been filled
            .wait( getTextInput("inputID").testNot.text("") 
            .failure(newText("failure", "Please, type your participant's ID above 👆")
                "margin-top": "1em", 
                "color": "red"})
    // Store the text from inputID into the Var element
        getVar("ID").set( getTextInput("inputID") )
    the texts are appearing below the canvas, I don't know why..Why is that?
    in reply to: Get the previous row of a column #10742

    Hi, @Jeremy! It’s working properly, thank you VERY much, as always!

    See, why can I set any trial before the logic? For example, I’m trying to add a button to make it fo fullscreen, but nothing happens before the logic ?

        // Lengths go from 1 through 6 \\ 1 to 9 -> zero based = 0-8 (?)
    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Larissa_Cury. Reason: correct code
    in reply to: Get the previous row of a column #10653

    Thank you very much, Jeremy! as always! I’ll sleep on it and give you some feedback!

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