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ParticipantIt worked well with dropDown. Sorry for bothering.
ParticipantI thought of using dropdown, but a dropdown with a huge list of 5.000 and sth cities is not the best option…
ParticipantHi, Jeremy.
Regarding this autocomplete function, is there a way to make the participant choose, obligatorily, one of the cities of the autocomplete list?
The way it is now: I can type only “Rio”, instead of “Rio de Janeiro”, for instance, press enter and it will be ok, but it should not be ok because I need the complete name of the city (state) as provided in the autocomplete list.
This is to avoid the fact that some participants may type anything. For now, I was able to insert an error message only when the TextInput is blank, but not when any name of city, apart from those from the list, is typed.Thanks a lot,
ParticipantHi, Jeremy.
I would not like to ask participant’s name because of data protection issues. Is there a reliable way to identify each participant? Like assigning a random number or would it be a problem in case two participants eventually start the experiment at the same time?
ParticipantGreat! It works perfectly!
Thanks, Jeremy!
ParticipantHi, Jeremy.
I see that it works, but, because I’m new to all this programming world, I don’t seem to find the correct place to insert the function within the code I have created so far: When I insert the autocomplete with my list of cities/states in the code, the autocomplete does not work.
ParticipantHi, Jeremy.
Is there a way to create an autocomplete textInput when asking for participants information? I wanted to restrict the options of cities choosen so participants won’t type random names of city but, actually, choose among certain given list. Something like this:
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
ParticipantHi, Jeremy.
I thought it could be some problem with the script. But, yes, I have to play with it a bit in R.
Thanks a lot,
ParticipantHi, Jeremy.
I am trying to clean some demo-results from this demo-experiment:
However, when I clean the results file using the function
, some columns get misplaced. It is as if there is some additional column label and all of column labels are pushed to the right. For instance, the column “Value” displays the event time and the column “Event Time” that follows “Value” displays the type of verb that I logged in the script, which is supposed to the in the following column “verb”. I tried to put a print of an image of the table here but it does not work.Thanks a lot,
2 min later EDIT: I guess I found the mistake. I created a columns with
in my script only for the experimental items and not for the fillers so, in the end, the column of fillers is pushed towards the columns “verbo” and “número” which are supposed to be empty. The next question is: how do I avoid this? I don’t need such information for the fillers, just for the experimental items.Thanks!
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
ParticipantActually, now I guess the pick function would be more appropriate, right?
ParticipantHi Jeremy,
The table works really fine but now I am thinking about repeated measures…In the table you suggested, one participant sees only one item in each condition. If I wanted the participant to see more than one item in each condition, I would have to repeat the rows with the experimental items in my table and keep numbering the group column according to the suggestion you posted? Or is there another solution?
ParticipantYes, Jeremy. That’s it. I see, so for a Latin Square design I have to see lists from a different perspective when coding.
That leads me to another question: in the results the Latin Square appear as Null. Do I have the option to control in the code whether a need a Latin-square arrangement?
ParticipantHi, Jeremy!
I see what you mean. But Now I realized the table was not formatted properly. So I will post here what I did first with two big groups/lists (between-participants)
group tipo_DP num_DP num_poss num_N_Pred id_item 1 realizado pl sg sg DPrealA1 1 realizado sg pl sg DPrealB1 1 realizado pl pl sg DPrealC1 1 realizado pl pl pl DPrealD1 1 realizado pl sg sg DPrealA2 1 realizado sg pl sg DPrealB2 1 realizado pl pl sg DPrealC2 1 realizado pl pl pl DPrealD2 1 realizado pl sg sg DPrealA3 1 realizado sg pl sg DPrealB3 1 realizado pl pl sg DPrealC3 1 realizado pl pl pl DPrealD3 1 realizado pl sg sg DPrealA4 1 realizado sg pl sg DPrealB4 1 realizado pl pl sg DPrealC4 1 realizado pl pl pl DPrealD4 2 elidido pl sg sg DPeliA1 2 elidido sg pl sg DPeliB1 2 elidido pl pl sg DPeliC1 2 elidido pl pl pl DPeliD1 2 elidido pl sg sg DPeliA2 2 elidido sg pl sg DPeliB2 2 elidido pl pl sg DPeliC2 2 elidido pl pl pl DPeliD2 2 elidido pl sg sg DPeliA3 2 elidido sg pl sg DPeliB3 2 elidido pl pl sg DPeliC3 2 elidido pl pl pl DPeliD3 2 elidido pl sg sg DPeliA4 2 elidido sg pl sg DPeliB4 2 elidido pl pl sg DPeliC4 2 elidido pl pl pl DPeliD4
I coded the items like this just to check how it would come up. This worked fine: onde participant saw 4 conditions (A, B, C, D) of tipo_DP realizado and the next participant saw 4 conditions (A, B, C, D) of tipo_DP elidido. However, I noticed that using this table, the same participant, for instance in group 1, saw, let’s say DPrealA1 and DPrealB1, which is the same stimuli but manipulated according to number marking. I should keep like this, but then I don’t know how to avoid the fact that the same participant may see DPrealA1 and DPrealB1 for instance. Is the pick function appropriate for that?
ParticipantHi, Jeremy.
I am sorry if the content of this post is duplicated but I cannot find the version that I wrote before.
Anyways, I have a mixed design between and within participants for a Dashed Sentence experiment. First, I created a table using the “group” column as a between participants design and used rshuffle but then I noticed the same experimental item was repeated in different conditions for the same participant (I have the same stimuli in 4 conditions). Then I decided to use the column “group” to arrange the items into conditions and it worked well for the problem I had before. But then another problem arised: I don’t know how to code for a between participant design when my column “group” is already “occupied”. I thought about using the function “pick” that you presented before in this topic for the within participant option and the group column for the between participant, but I wonder if both information would shock somehow.
Here is part of my table:
tipo_DP num_DP num_poss num_NouPred group item realizado pl sg sg A 1 ... realizado sg pl sg B 2 realizado pl pl sg C 3 realizado pl pl pl D 4 realizado pl sg sg A 1 realizado sg pl sg B 2 realizado pl pl sg C 3 realizado pl pl pl D 4 realizado pl sg sg A 1 realizado sg pl sg B 2 realizado pl pl sg C 3 realizado pl pl pl D 4 realizado pl sg sg A 1 realizado sg pl sg B 2 realizado pl pl sg C 3 realizado pl pl pl D 4 elidido pl sg sg E 1 elidido sg pl sg F 2 elidido pl pl sg G 3 elidido pl pl pl H 4 elidido pl sg sg E 1 elidido sg pl sg F 2 elidido pl pl sg G 3 elidido pl pl pl H 4 elidido pl sg sg E 1 elidido sg pl sg F 2 elidido pl pl sg G 3 elidido pl pl pl H 4 elidido pl sg sg E 1 elidido sg pl sg F 2 elidido pl pl sg G 3 elidido pl pl pl H 4
The between-participant factor is “tipo_DP” – One groups should see (A, B, C, D) and the other should see (E, F, G, H)
And here is a piece of my code:
Sequence(rshuffle("experimentais", "distratoras"), SendResults(), "fim") // Iniciar o experimento Template("exp_Poss.csv", exp => newTrial("experimentais", newController("DashedSentence", {s: exp.sentenca_exp}) .css("font-size", "20px") .css("font-family", "Calibri") .print() .log() .wait() .remove() , newText("pergunta", exp.pergunta) .css("font-size", "20px") .css("font-family", "Calibri") .center() .print() , newScale("respostas options",exp.RespA, exp.RespB, exp.RespC) .css("font-size", "20px") .css("font-family", "Calibri") .center() .labelsPosition( "right" ) .vertical() .print() .remove() , newSelector("respostas") .add(getScale("respostas options")) .shuffle() .wait() .log() , newButton("next", "PRÓXIMA FRASE") .css("font-size", "20px") .css("font-family", "Calibri") .center() .print() .wait() ) .log("tipo DP", exp.tipo_DP) .log("número D", exp.num_D) .log("número poss", exp.num_poss) .log("número nome ou pred", exp.num_NouPred) .log("item experimental", exp.sentenca_exp) )
Thank you in advance,
ParticipantHi Jeremy,
About the output of results in Dashed Sentence, I just wanted to clarify if I understood it correctly. The column event time corresponds to the start/end of the sentence, that is, the End/ event time – start/event time gives me the total amount of time that the participant took to read the whole sentence. Is that correct? And if I want to check the reading time for each word I need to check the column “reading time”, right?
Thank you!
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by