Using mouse track with dashed sentence

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Using mouse track with dashed sentence

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  • #6971
    Igor Costa

    Hi, Jeremy

    I’m having some issues in coding an experiment in PCIbex. In short, I need an experiment in which the presentation sequence for each trial is as below:

    1. two images are printed in the screen and stay there;
    2. two seconds later, a self-paced reading sentence appears;
    3. simultaneously with the start of the sentence, the possibility to click on one of the images starts;
    4. when the participant clicks on a image, the trial ends, even if the participant did not finish the dashed sentence.

    What I want is, for instance, if there are two images of warning board, one of which is blank and another contais a message, that the participant could, when he/she sees “not empty” in the sentence, be able to click at the correct image.

    I could code the first three steps, but I could not figure out how to implement the forth one. My code is below.

        newImage("a1", "aviso1.png")
        newImage("a2", "aviso3.png")
        newCanvas("canvas_esq", "40vw", "40vh")
            .add(250, 10, getImage("a1"))
            .print("center at 25vw", "middle at 50vh")
        newCanvas("canvas_dir","40vw", "40vh")
            .add(50, 10, getImage("a2"))
            .print("center at 75vw", "middle at 50vh")
        newTimer("pausa", 2000)
            .add(getCanvas("canvas_esq"), getCanvas("canvas_dir"))
        newController("DashedSentence", {s: "This is not an empty warning."})

    I think I might have misunderstood the .wait() element for the newController.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Igor Costa
    PhD Student at LAPAL/PUC-Rio



    Have you tried doing something like this:

        newImage("a1", "aviso1.png")
        newImage("a2", "aviso3.png")
        newCanvas("canvas_esq", "40vw", "40vh")
            .add(250, 10, getImage("a1"))
            .print("center at 25vw", "middle at 50vh")
        newCanvas("canvas_dir","40vw", "40vh")
            .add(50, 10, getImage("a2"))
            .print("center at 75vw", "middle at 50vh")
        newTimer("pausa", 2000)
        newController("DashedSentence", {s: "This is not an empty warning."})
            .add(getCanvas("canvas_esq"), getCanvas("canvas_dir"))

    Hope it helps!

    Igor Costa

    Thank you, Amilam!!!

    It was exactly what I was looking for and I could not thinking about putting the .wait() element just after the .newSelector().

    Thank you for your help!

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