Scale name logging

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Scale name logging

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  • #8209

    I’m working on a norming experiment where the participants see 5 pictures concurrently and have to rate each picture on a scale consisting of 4 adjectives. Please also check the demonstration link:
    I have some trouble logging the participant’s answers: If I use .log() on the scale element, I can’t distinguish which answer belongs to which picture since only the selected button and timestamp are logged but not the scale name itself. Is there a possibility to indicate the name (e.g. "scale_1") when logging the selected button, etc.?
    I’ve already tried to define a new variable that outputs the scale name as well as the selected button. Therefore, I used newVar("scale_1").set(getScale("scale_1")).log() but the scale selection is only printed as NaN instead of the adjective string.
    This is my code:

            .css("font-size", "1em")
            .size(200, 150)
        newCanvas("norming_1_description", "20vw", "10vh")
            .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , newText("text_1", "The statue is ...") )
        newCanvas("norming_1_picture", "14vw", "21vh")
            .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , newImage("statue_tall_1.png") )
            .cssContainer("border", "solid 1px black")
        newCanvas("norming_1_selection", "20vw", "30vh")
            .add("center at 50%" , "middle at 50%", 
                newScale("scale_1", " "+"tiny", " "+"small", " "+"tall", " "+"gigantic", " "+"none applies")
        newCanvas("norming_2_description", "20vw", "10vh")
        .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , newText("text_2", "The statue is ...") )
        newCanvas("norming_2_picture", "14vw", "21vh")
            .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , newImage("statue_tall_2.png") )
            .cssContainer("border", "solid 1px black")
        newCanvas("norming_2_selection", "20vw", "30vh")
            .add("center at 50%" , "middle at 50%", 
                newScale("scale_2", " "+"tiny", " "+"small", " "+"tall", " "+"gigantic", " "+"none applies")
        newCanvas("norming_3_description", "20vw", "10vh")
        .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , newText("text_3", "The statue is ...") )
        newCanvas("norming_3_picture", "14vw", "21vh")
            .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , newImage("statue_tall_3.png") )
            .cssContainer("border", "solid 1px black")
        newCanvas("norming_3_selection", "20vw", "30vh")
            .add("center at 50%" , "middle at 50%", 
                newScale("scale_3", " "+"tiny", " "+"small", " "+"tall", " "+"gigantic", " "+"none applies")
        newCanvas("norming_4_description", "20vw", "10vh")
        .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , newText("text_4", "The statue is ...") )
        newCanvas("norming_4_picture", "14vw", "21vh")
            .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , newImage("statue_tall_4.png") )
            .cssContainer("border", "solid 1px black")
        newCanvas("norming_4_selection", "20vw", "30vh")
            .add("center at 50%" , "middle at 50%", 
                newScale("scale_4", " "+"tiny", " "+"small", " "+"tall", " "+"gigantic", " "+"none applies")
        newCanvas("norming_5_description", "20vw", "10vh")
        .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , newText("text_5", "The statue is ...") )
        newCanvas("norming_5_picture", "14vw", "21vh")
            .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , newImage("statue_tall_5.png") )
            .cssContainer("border", "solid 1px black")
        newCanvas("norming_5_selection", "20vw", "30vh")
            .add("center at 50%" , "middle at 50%", 
                newScale("scale_5", " "+"tiny", " "+"small", " "+"tall", " "+"gigantic", " "+"none applies")
        newButton("continue", "Continue")
        newCanvas("canvas", "100vw", "100vh")
        .add( "center at 10%" , "top at 0%", getCanvas("norming_1_description"))
        .add( "center at 10%" , "middle at 18%", getCanvas("norming_1_picture"))
        .add( "center at 10%" , "middle at 36.5%", getCanvas("norming_1_selection"))
        .add( "center at 30%" , "top at 0%", getCanvas("norming_2_description"))
        .add( "center at 30%" , "middle at 18%", getCanvas("norming_2_picture"))
        .add( "center at 30%" , "middle at 36.5%", getCanvas("norming_2_selection"))
        .add( "center at 50%" , "top at 0%", getCanvas("norming_3_description"))
        .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 18%", getCanvas("norming_3_picture"))
        .add( "center at 50%" , "middle at 36.5%", getCanvas("norming_3_selection"))
        .add( "center at 70%" , "top at 0%", getCanvas("norming_4_description"))
        .add( "center at 70%" , "middle at 18%", getCanvas("norming_4_picture"))
        .add( "center at 70%" , "middle at 36.5%", getCanvas("norming_4_selection"))
        .add( "center at 90%" , "top at 0%", getCanvas("norming_5_description"))
        .add( "center at 90%" , "middle at 18%", getCanvas("norming_5_picture"))
        .add( "center at 90%" , "middle at 36.5%", getCanvas("norming_5_selection"))
        .add( "center at 50%" ,  "bottom at 50%", getButton("continue"))
        .print( "center at 50%", 5)
        // newVar("scale_1")
            // .set(getScale("scale_1"))
            // .log()
        // ,
            .wait( getScale("scale_1").test.selected() 
                .and( getScale("scale_2").test.selected() )
                .and( getScale("scale_3").test.selected() )
                .and( getScale("scale_4").test.selected() )
                .and( getScale("scale_5").test.selected() )
                        newCanvas("feedback", "100vw", "5vh")
                            .add( "center at 50%", "middle at 50%", 
                                newText("Please check your selection. You have to answer all statements.")
                            .print( "center at 50%", "top at 50%")

    Thanks for your help!



    Please also check the demonstration link:

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by henrikd.

    Hi Henrik,

    The name of the Scale element is reported in the results file, here’s a sample from a test run of mine:

    1653659265	EDITED	PennController	0	0	trials	NULL	Scale	scale_1	Choice	 small	1653659258865	NULL
    1653659265	EDITED	PennController	0	0	trials	NULL	Scale	scale_2	Choice	 tiny	1653659259777	NULL
    1653659265	EDITED	PennController	0	0	trials	NULL	Scale	scale_3	Choice	 tall	1653659261098	NULL
    1653659265	EDITED	PennController	0	0	trials	NULL	Scale	scale_4	Choice	 tiny	1653659261951	NULL
    1653659265	EDITED	PennController	0	0	trials	NULL	Scale	scale_5	Choice	 gigantic	1653659263569	NULL

    As you can see, the first line reports scale_1 and the last one reports scale_5



    Hi Jeremy,

    I overlooked the name of the Scale element in the results file. My bad! But it’s there and works as it should. Thanks a lot!


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