result file

PennController for IBEX Forums Support result file


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  • #4221

    Hi Jeremy,

    I have designed an experiments through which participants have to give a number in a textinput as an answer. The problem is that in the result file I don’t see my experimental items (words). I only see the participants’ answers (numbers). Therefore, I don’t know what experimental item the given answer belongs to, unless I match it with my .csv file. I will be grateful if you help me with this issue!

    My codes are below, if it helps.
    Thank you so much!
    newText(“question”, “How related are the above items in their meaning?”)
    newText(“1: very unrelated”)
    newText(“2: Unrelated”)
    newText(“3: sort of related”)
    newText(“4: related”)
    newText(“5: very related”)
    .wait( getTextInput(“Answer”).testNot.text(“”) )
    .log( “ID” , getVar(“ID”) )
    .log( “Gap” , variable.Gap )
    .log( “NoGap” , variable.NoGap )
    .log( “Filler” , variable.Filler ) )


    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Jeremy. Reason: moved to appropriate forum

    Hi Sahar,

    You probably want to add .log("Word", variable.Word) to your stack of logs. Calling .settings.log on the Text element itself will just record the timestamp at which it was printed on the screen. It’s true that the line in the results file should also show the name of the Text element, but note that newText(variable.Word) creates a text element whose content is the value of the Word cell, its name is basically a random string. If you want the same name and content, you can do newText(variable.Word,variable.Word).

    Also, you might be interested in the Scale element to provide your participants with a 1-to-5 type of input.

    Let me know if you have any questions



    Thank you so much, Jeremy! The codes you suggested solved the problem. Now I have answers and words in my results file 🙂

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