Removing Canvas after completion of Dashed Sentence

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Removing Canvas after completion of Dashed Sentence

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  • #5782


    I’m trying to implement a self-paced reading task where different sentences are attributed to different speakers. In order to do this, I want a DashedSentence to appear on top of an image with an avatar and a speech bubble. (After the self-paced reading is complete, four images should appear for a picture verification task. This part works fine if I do a simple DashedSentence without trying to include the speech bubble image within a Canvas.)

    I put the image and the DashedSentence in a Canvas. They display properly, and I can press the space bar to progress through the sentence. However, I can’t get the canvas to go a way; it just stays stuck with my image and the last word of my DashedSentence. I suspect the issue is that I’m not meeting the conditions to end the .wait() command. How can I configure the experiment so that the canvas is removed at the end of the DashedSentence by pressing the space bar?

    My trial template code is as follows:

    Template( "dcc1_trials.csv" ,
        row => newTrial( "experiment",
            newImage("sb1", "speech_bubble_1.png")
            newCanvas("sprcanv", 700, 700)
                .add( 0, 0, getImage("sb1"))    
                .add( 20, 40, newController("DashedSentence", {s: row.SentenceText, display: "in place", blankText: "+"}))
                        .wait() // Things seem to hang here
       // Picture verification (this part works fine)               
        newImage('imageTL' ,  row.ImageTL)
            .settings.size(200, 200)
        newImage('imageTR' ,  row.ImageTR)
            .settings.size(200, 200)
        newImage('imageBL' ,  row.ImageBL)
            .settings.size(200, 200)
        newImage('imageBR' ,  row.ImageBR)
            .settings.size(200, 200)
        newCanvas( 'myCanvas', 700, 500)
            .settings.add( 100, 25, getImage('imageTL'), 0 )
            .settings.add( 500, 25, getImage('imageBL'), 1 )
            .settings.add( 500, 275, getImage('imageBR'), 2 )
            .settings.add( 100, 275, getImage('imageTR'), 3 )
        newSelector( 'mySelector')
            .add( getImage('imageTL') , getImage('imageBL') , getImage('imageBR') , getImage('imageTR') )
        .log( "SentenceText", row.SentenceText)
        .log( "ImageTL", row.ImageTL)
        .log( "ImageTB", row.ImageTR)
        .log( "ImageBL", row.ImageBL)
        .log( "ImageBR", row.ImageBR)

    Thanks for your help!

    Zach Maher
    University of Maryland, College Park


    Hi Zach,

    You are waiting for the Canvas element to complete, which won’t happen because Canvas elements define no events. You want to wait for the Controller element to complete instead:

    newCanvas("sprcanv", 700, 700)
        .add( 0, 0, getImage("sb1"))
    newController("DashedSentence", {s: row.SentenceText, display: "in place", blankText: "+"})
        .print( 20, 40 , getCanvas("sprcanv") ) 



    This worked perfectly – thanks!!

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