Questions about eye tracking php script generated file

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Questions about eye tracking php script generated file

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    Firstly, thanks for making the eyetracking module on PCIBEX! It’s really convenient and useful! But I have a question about the php script mentioned in this how to guide ( I have created the php script on my server, and the script can generate a file for each participant without issues. But the files generated by the php script are all garbled and glitchy. Currently I do not use any non-English fonts or characters. Please let me know what the reason could be or how I should set up to make it correct. Thanks so much for your help!



    Hi Tian,

    As mentioned in the guide:

    This script will take care of receiving and storing encoding data lines in subfolders and one file per participant. It will also output back files where the lines have been decoded. You can directly visit it through your browser and type in the field that you see the “URL” key that was reported in your results file (something like httpsdomainofmyexperiment/pathtomyexperiment/vEry-l0ng-uniQu3-1dentif1er). Alternatively, you can directly append key at the end of the PHP script’s url (replacing key with the value from your results file) to get the output file — this is the method we will use in our analyses.

    The R script in the guide uses the latter method (ETURL = ...EyeTracker.php?experiment=) but you can directly visit the URL that points to your PHP file and enter the key from your results file in the input box to manually download a decrypted version of the file

    Let me know if you have questions



    Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks for your quick response! I can directly visit the php file but please let me know where I can find the “key” from my results file in the input box (something like httpsdomainofmyexperiment/pathtomyexperiment/vEry-l0ng-uniQu3-1dentif1er). I couldn’t find any “key” like that in the experiment result file. For example, in this demo result file (, where is the “key”? I really appreciate your help!



    Hi again,

    This line from the demo results file, for example, has a key like httpsdomainofmyexperiment/pathtomyexperiment/vEry-l0ng-uniQu3-1dentif1er:


    Look for the EyeTracker lines that report a value for “Filename”



    Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks again! Yes, that’s what I thought! After I input the key to PHP script, the result file is still garbled and glitchy as you can see here

    I’m confused. Please let me know if it is correct. Thanks a lot!



    I see, you do get the right format (one header line followed by multiple lines for each trial) but except for the first line of each trial, the other ones have gibberish where they should have 1s and 0s

    I’m not sure what is happening, I will need to troubleshoot this. I know that other users have successfully set up eye-tracking experiments, if anyone has experienced a similar issue, it would be great if they could share some feedback with us

    Apologies for the inconvenience



    Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks so much for your help! The current result file is from my brief demo. I think I’ll remake the entire experiment and keep you updated with the new result. Hope there’s nothing wrong with my php hosting website? Thanks!

    I would like to see other successful eye-tracking experiments from pcibex users if you could share their setups!


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