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  • #8554

    I am making a questionaire where I would like all the questions to be on the same page. However, I couldn’t find a way to space out the questions (ex. spaces between Question 1 and 2, and so on). The only solution that came to my mind was to write down newText(" ") . Is there another way I could do it without adding the same NewText lines every time?

    Here is my script :

        .settings.css("font-size", "1.2em")         
    newText("ACC...QS").css({"font-weight" : "bold"})
        newText("           ")
        newText("1. Me interesa tener amigos de mi cultura nativa.")
        newScale("Q1", "1", "2", "3", "4")
            .css({"max-width" : "unset", "width" : "400px"})
        newText("      ")
        newText("2. Me gusta participar en actividades sociales con quebequenses.")
        newScale("Q2", "1", "2", "3", "4")
            .css({"max-width" : "unset", "width" : "400px"})
        newText("   ")
        newText("3. Me gusta el entretenimiento (ej. películas, música) de mi cultura nativa.")
        newScale("Q3", "1", "2", "3", "4")
            .css({"max-width" : "unset", "width" : "400px"})
        newText("      ")
        newText("4. Me siento cómodo(a) trabajando con quebequenses.")
        newScale("Q4", "1", "2", "3", "4")
            .css({"max-width" : "unset", "width" : "400px"})
        newText("      ")
        newText("5. Creo en los valores de mi cultura nativa.")
        newScale("Q5", "1", "2", "3", "4")
            .css({"max-width" : "unset", "width" : "400px"})
        newText("        ")
        newText("6. Adopto el comportamiento habitual de un(a) quebequense.")
        newScale("Q6", "1", "2", "3", "4")
            .css({"max-width" : "unset", "width" : "400px"})
        newText("        ")
        newText("7. Participo en las actividades culturales de mi cultura nativa.")
        newScale("Q7", "1", "2", "3", "4")
            .css({"max-width" : "unset", "width" : "400px"})
        newText("                      ")
        newText("8. Me parece importante seguir las costumbres de la cultura quebequense.")
        newScale("Q8", "1", "2", "3", "4")
            .css({"max-width" : "unset", "width" : "400px"})
        newText("                      ")
        newText("9. Reacciono como una persona de mi cultura nativa en algunas situaciones.")
        newScale("Q9", "1", "2", "3", "4")
            .css({"max-width" : "unset", "width" : "400px"})
        newText("                      ")
        newText("blablabla enolgwrngmwmrfnglkwmf;e.")
        newButton("Click", "Continuar")
            .css("margin-top", "50px")


    You can use <p> tags in your Text elements to tell your browser to print them as paragraphs, which browsers usually surround with spacing by default (eg. newText("<p>1. Me interesa tener amigos de mi cultura nativa.</p>")) or just add some spacing using CSS (eg. defaultText.css({"font-size": "1.2em", "margin": "0.5em"}).print())


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