alert from preview: ERROR:

PennController for IBEX Forums Support alert from preview: ERROR:

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  • #7594

    I made some changes in my script and I get the following warning every time I click refresh.

    Alert from preview: ERROR: Following the item/group specifier, each element of the ‘items’ array must contain an even number of elements.

    Can anyone tell me what is meant by that?

    Thanks in advance.



    Edit: Sorry, I misidentified the problem. The message you get means that at least one entry in the items array is missing either the controller’s name or the options for that controller. For example, this would generate the error message you get because the second "DashedSentence" before {s: "Bye Earth"} is missing:

    ["myitem", "DashedSentence", {s: "Hello world"}, {s: "Bye Earth"}]

    Ibex checks that there is an even number of elements after "myitem", because it expects pairs consisting of a controller name and an object representing the options for that controller. If it finds an odd number of elements (as is the case above: there are three elements after "myitem") it throws the error you get

    This means that the items array is not well-balanced with respect to the latin groups you defined. As written in the original Ibex documentation:

    Note that the second number in the pair must be the same for all items in the group

    Feel free to share you experiment’s demonstration link for troubleshooting


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Jeremy.
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