How to measure the total time of experiment

PennController for IBEX Forums Requests How to measure the total time of experiment

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  • #8270

    I’m trying to measure a total time that a participant spends on my experiment. I was considering using the following method:

    1. Start timer for measuring a total time

       .set( v => )

    2. Stop timer for measuring a total time
    getVar("ExperimentTime").set( v => - v)

    3. Make a row called ExperimentTime which contains the total time of the experiment
    .log("ExperimentTime", getVar("ExperimentTime"))

    I thought that this would work just like measuring RT, but I’m not sure where I should put these into my code. For instance, if I use a following example code for a self-paced reading experiment, where should I put the codes?

    PennController.ResetPrefix(null); // Shorten command names (keep this line here))
    // DebugOff()   // Uncomment this line only when you are 100% done designing your experiment
    // First show instructions, then experiment trials, send results and show end screen
    Sequence("instructions", "experiment", SendResults(), "end")
    // This is run at the beginning of each trial
        // Declare a global Var element "ID" in which we will store the participant's ID
    .log( "id" , getVar("ID") ) // Add the ID to all trials' results lines
    // Instructions
         // Automatically print all Text elements, centered
        newText("In this task, you will have to read few sentences.")
        newText("Are you ready?")
        newText("Please type in your ID below and then click on the Start button to start the experiment.")
        newTextInput("inputID", "")
            .css("margin","1em")    // Add a 1em margin around this element
            // Only validate a click on Start when inputID has been filled
            .wait( getTextInput("inputID").testNot.text("") )
        // Store the text from inputID into the Var element
        getVar("ID").set( getTextInput("inputID") )
    // First experiment trial
    newTrial( "experiment",
        newText("instructions", "Click on the button below to start reading. Click spacebar to proceed to the next word.")
        newButton("Start reading")
        // We use the native-Ibex "DashedSentence" controller
        // Documentation at:
        newController("DashedSentence", {s : "You have just begun reading the sentence you have just finished reading."})
            .log()      // Make sure to log the participant's progress
        newButton("Next sentence please!")
    // Second, more concise experiment trial
    newTrial( "experiment",
        newController("DashedSentence", {s : "Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana."})
        newButton("I'm done")
    // Final screen
        newText("Thank you for your participation!")
        // This link a placeholder: replace it with a URL provided by your participant-pooling platform
        newText("<p><a href='' target='_blank' rel="noopener noreferrer">Click here to validate your submission</a></p>")
        // Trick: stay on this trial forever (until tab is closed)

    Or if someone has a better idea to measure a total time, I would really appreciate if you can teach me how to do it. Thank you so much.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Da_Ri_.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Da_Ri_.


    Since your experiment starts with a PennController trial and ends with one too, and since PennController trials automatically add a line to the results file for the start of the trial and a line for the end of the trial too, simply subtract the EventTime of the first “_Start_” event of the run from the EventTime of the last “_End_” event of the run. No need to use any Var element



    Thank you so much for your answer! Now I understand it 🙂

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