This is a bug (or at least unintended behavior), I miscoded the values of DropDown elements. I’ll fix the issue in the next release, but in the meantime you can upload a file that you name valueDropDown.js in your Controllers folder with the following content:
let override = function(fn, ...args) {
let r = fn.call(this, ...args), e = r._element;
let s = e.selections;
if (s instanceof Array && s.length>0) return s[s.length-1][1];
else return "";
return r;
let oldndd = PennController.Elements.newDropDown, oldgdd = PennController.Elements.getDropDown;
PennController.Elements.newDropDown = function(...args){ return override.call(this, oldndd, ...args); }
PennController.Elements.getDropDown = function(...args){ return override.call(this, oldgdd, ...args); }
Then you can use the DropDown element as you would a TextInput element, eg:
newDropDown("test", "")
.add( "waf" , "woof" )
newVar("select").global().set( getDropDown("test") )
newText("").text( getVar("select") ).print()