Hi Jeremy,
I have an issue with the consentLink in my InitiateRecorder, I don’t know if it’s a language issue but when I run my experiment with the consentLink statement in English, the font is blue and becomes underlined when you run the cursor over it to indicate that the statement is clickable. But when I edit the link and replaced it with German instructions, the statement is in regular black font and does not underline when you run the cursor over it, which doesn’t make it look like a clickable link. Although the link works perfectly fine when you click it, I would still like it to be blue and underlined when you run the cursor over it. Below is the code I used in InitiateRecorder, please let me know if I am missing something!
let replaceConsentMic = ()=>{
let consentLink = $(".PennController-PennController a.Message-continue-link");
if (consentLink.length > 0 && consentLink[0].innerHTML.match(/^By clicking this link I understand that I grant this experiment's script access to my recording device/))
consentLink.html("Durch klicken erteile ich diesem Skript Zugriff auf mein Mikrofon");
window.requestAnimationFrame( replaceConsentMic );
Thank you in advance,