In my experience, I would like to change to slider for a liker scale (up to 10). But I can’t find a way to make it.
Here is the code :
Template("QS.csv", row => // take a sentence from html file
newCanvas("LabelsandPrompt", 650, 100)
.css({"margin-top" : "50px"})
.add(80, -30, newText("Prompt", row.greeting).css({"font-size" : "25px", "font-weight" : "bold", "text-align" : "center"}))
.add(0, 130, newText("Left", "Para nada o Nunca").css({"font-size" : "20px", "text-align" : "center"}).size(120, 0))
.add(535, 130, newText("Right","Muchísimo o Casi siempre").css({"font-size" : "20px", "text-align" : "center"}).size(120, 0))
.add(100, 65, newText("Para cada declaración, mueva el control deslizante rojo para situar la respuesta que sea mas adecuada para usted :").center().css({"font-size" : "18px"}))
// Slider
newScale("Echelle_Comm", 100)
.css({"margin-top" : "50px", "max-width" : "unset", "width" : "400px", "height":"10px"})
// Send answer
newButton("ConfirmationSlider", "Continuar")
.css({"margin-top" : "50px"})