PennController for IBEX › Forums › Support › Can we randomize time with newTimer() ? › Reply To: Can we randomize time with newTimer() ?

Just an update =>
I figure it out that the problem was that when there’s no pressed key, there’s no EventTime for that as well, then R couldn’t work properly…So I’ve research a lot here on the forum and on the documentation and I came up with the solution of adding a var element to compute my reaction time (below) which is working just fine! My only problem is that now I cannot label the trials according to my blocks, the labeling is all messed around, let me show it to you:
new (
newVar("RT").global().set( v => ) <-------------- this is working just fine I guess =)
.callback( getTimer("timer-RT").stop() )
getVar("RT").set( v => - v )
.log( "ReactionTime" , getVar("RT") )
In R:
#Read PciBex's function
read.pcibex <- function(filepath, auto.colnames=TRUE, fun.col=function(col,cols){cols[cols==col]<-paste(col,"Ibex",sep=".");return(cols)}) {
n.cols <- max(count.fields(filepath,sep=",",quote=NULL),na.rm=TRUE)
if (auto.colnames){
cols <- c()
con <- file(filepath, "r")
while ( TRUE ) {
line <- readLines(con, n = 1, warn=FALSE)
if ( length(line) == 0) {
m <- regmatches(line,regexec("^# (\\d+)\\. (.+)\\.$",line))[[1]]
if (length(m) == 3) {
index <- as.numeric(m[2])
value <- m[3]
if (is.function(fun.col)){
cols <- fun.col(value,cols)
cols[index] <- value
if (index == n.cols){
return(read.csv(filepath, comment.char="#", header=FALSE, col.names=cols))
return(read.csv(filepath, comment.char="#", header=FALSE, col.names=seq(1:n.cols)))
# Read in results file
results <- read.pcibex("results (11).csv")
### add function <-------------- sth not quite right (maybe because now the EventTime has "never" as valuues, but I don't
know how to fix it :(
add_blocks <- function (df,id) {
PRACTICE_TO_FIRST <- max(df$EventTime[df$Label=="instructions_E"])
FIRST_TO_SECOND <- max(df$EventTime[df$Label=="instructions_F"])
SECOND_TO_THIRD <- max(df$EventTime[df$Label=="instructions_G"])
df$block <- 0
df$block[df$EventTime>PRACTICE_TO_FIRST] <- 1
df$block[df$EventTime>FIRST_TO_SECOND] <- 2
df$block[df$EventTime>SECOND_TO_THIRD] <- 3
###add blocks with the new function
results_blocks <- results %>%
group_by(id) %>%
######################################################## my new filter
data_results <- results_blocks %>%
filter(Parameter %in% c("Key","PressedKey")) %>%
select(id,Label,imagens,Value,Parameter,ReactionTime,block) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(Answer = case_when( ~ "0",
Value == "S" ~ "S",
Value == "K" ~ "K")) %>%
select(-Value) %>%
This result file is here => (results (11)) =>
I should have 96 items per block, but I guess that the missing values on EventTime are messing the count, I just don’t know how to fix it…Do you have any suggestion?
This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by
Larissa_Cury. Reason: add information