PennController for IBEX › Forums › Support › Can we randomize time with newTimer() ? › Reply To: Can we randomize time with newTimer() ?
March 20, 2022 at 9:27 am

Dear Jeremy, I was able to take steps a and b, but I’m struggling with step c:
Template("tabela-target.csv" , row => newTrial("trial_2_center_cue_UP", defaultText .center() .cssContainer({"position": "absolute", "top": "50%", "left": "50%", "transform": "translate(-50%, +50%)"}) .print() , newText("D1", "<br><b>+</b>") .cssContainer({ "font-size":"100px", "color":"blue"}) .center() .print() , newTimer("timer-D1",1000+Math.round(1600*Math.random())) // ------------------------------> my new random time between 400 and 1600 ms .start() .wait() , getText("D1") .remove() , newText("cue", "<br> <b>*</b>") .cssContainer({ "font-size":"100px", "color":"green"}) .center() .print() , newTimer("timer_cue_D2",100) .start() .wait() , getText("cue","D2") .remove() , newText("D3", "<br> <b>+</b>") .cssContainer({ "font-size":"100px", "color":"pink"}) .center() .print() , newTimer("timer_D3",400) .start() .wait() , getText("D3") .remove() , newTimer("timer-RT",1700) // <-------------------------------------------- my new RT trial which imposes the answer within 1700 ms .start() , newImage("imagens", row.imagem) .size(500, 200) , newText("cruz_central", "<br> <b>+</b>") .cssContainer({ "font-size":"100px", "color":"black"}) .center() .print() , //para cima// newCanvas("center", 150,150) .add( "center at 50%" , "center at 50%" , getImage("imagens")) .cssContainer({ "position": "absolute", "margin-top": "85px"}) .center() .log() .print() , newKey("keypress1","SK") .log() .callback( getTimer("timer-RT").stop()) , getTimer("timer-RT").wait() , getKey("keypress1").disable(), getText("cruz_central"), getCanvas("center") .remove() , newText("separacao", "<br> <b>+</b>") // <------------------------- this should be 3500 ms - timer-RT - timer-D1 .cssContainer({ "font-size":"100px", "color":"yellow"}) .center() .print() , newTimer("wait-separacao",2500) .start() .wait() ) .log("imagens", row.imagem) .log("item", row.versao) );
I don’t see how putting “wait separação” before D1 would make it be: WAIT SEPARAÇÃO = 3500 MINUS timer-RT MINUS timer-D1 . Would you mind explaining it again, please?
Thanks in advance, as always!