Reply To: ‘How to use a spreadsheet’ tutorial – Experiment not loading

PennController for IBEX Forums Support ‘How to use a spreadsheet’ tutorial – Experiment not loading Reply To: ‘How to use a spreadsheet’ tutorial – Experiment not loading


The ‘Sync’ option just copies all the files from the git repo to the PCIbex Farm, so yes, it does use storage space, which is why it counts toward your quota. If you have files on Github you can directly reference their download URL, eg. newImage("")—you can also add AddHost("") at the top of your script and then use newImage("Imagem-1-A.png"), newImage("Imagem-1-B.png"), etc. in your trials if you need to reference multiple files from your github repo

The PCIbex Farm won’t be able to see your private repositories, so you won’t be able to sync them to your projects

It shouldn’t be a problem to directly have diacritics in the CSV file, I just tried and it worked—double-check whether you use commas in your sentences, which would be interpreted as separating columns. If you have any comma that’s not supposed to separate two columns, you can replace them with ,; likewise, you can replace any á with ´, any é with &ecute;, any à with à, any è with è, …
