PennController for IBEX › Forums › Support › Randomize DashedSentence › Reply To: Randomize DashedSentence
February 25, 2021 at 10:03 pm
Sorry, I have another followup question. 🙂
I’m currently trying to use newController with the AcceptabilityJudgment and Question controllers from Ibex, but nothing shows up on the screen. I also don’t see any errors with the debugger. Do you have any idea what might be going on? Here’s what I have:
row => PennController("trials",
newController("AcceptabilityJudgment", {s: row.Sentence, as: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], presentAsScale: true, leftComment: "very bad", rightComment: "very good"})
(row.Question != "NA" ?
newController("Question", {s: row.Question, as: ["Yes", "No"], hasCorrect: row.Answer})
.log("ParticipantID", ParticipantID)
.log("Group", row.Group)
.log("UniqID", row.UniqID)
.log("Sentence", '"' + row.Sentence + '"')
.log("Question", '"' + row.Question + '"')
.log("Answer", row.Answer)