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August 9, 2020 at 12:57 pm

Hello Miriam,
Both options should normally work. Here is an example script, switch the commenting // to test out the two options:
PennController.ResetPrefix(null) AddTable("myTable", "Correct\nYes\nNo\nYes\nNo" ) Header( // newVar("Acc", []).global() ) newTrial( "intro" , newVar("Acc", []).global(), newButton("Start").print().wait() ) Template( "myTable" , row => newTrial( "exp" , newVar("computedAcc").set(getVar("Acc")).set(v=>v.filter(a=>a===true).length/v.length), newText("accuracy").text(getVar("computedAcc")).print("left at 5px", "top at 5px") , newScale("answer", "Yes","No").button().print().wait() .test.selected(row.Correct) .success( getVar("Acc").set(v=>[...v,true]) ) .failure( getVar("Acc").set(v=>[...v,false]) ) )) newTrial( "end" , newVar("computedAcc").set(getVar("Acc")).set(v=>v.filter(a=>a===true).length/v.length), newText("accuracy").text(getVar("computedAcc")) , newText("Final accuracy: ").after(getText("accuracy")).print() , newButton().wait() )
In this example I set the global Var element to an array of true‘s and false‘s so I can then compute the current accuracy on each trial by dividing the number of true‘s by the length of the array.
Note that some Var-related bugs were fixed with PennController 1.8, so make sure to update your version of PennController if the script above does not work for you