Reply To: Manipulating a PennController table?

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Manipulating a PennController table? Reply To: Manipulating a PennController table?


Hi Jeremy,

Thank you very much for your quick and elaborate response! I hadn’t realised that you can retrieve elements from an array with the indices/row numbers within the template/getTable commands (even though it makes a lot of sense ;)). This does the trick perfectly for me!

I do have one follow-up (for now at least). The order of the blocks needs to counterbalanced between the participants. So, half of the participants will see Block1 first, and the other half will see Block 2 first. In Python/Psychopy, I usually do this with the participant number (which is assigned to them based on their order of participation): those with an even participant number are assigned to version 1, and those with an uneven participant number are assigned to version 2. I was thinking of doing the same thing here, but then based on the value of the counter. Then, I could do something like this (here given in nice pseudo-code):

if (counter%2 = 0){
    Sequence("block1", "block2")
    Sequence("block2", "block1")

However, then I would need to retrieve the value from the counter. Is that possible, or wouldn’t such an approach work?

Thanks again!
