Reply To: Accuracy of reaction times recorded by pcIBEX

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Accuracy of reaction times recorded by pcIBEX Reply To: Accuracy of reaction times recorded by pcIBEX


I’m not aware off the top of my head of work specifically looking at the accuracy of (PC)Ibex response/reaction times, but we’ve had a good bit of work in our department on priming in David Embick’s lab that has been able to find some pretty small effect sizes (definitely < 100ms), e.g. -
- (a dissertation that was just defended today; see, e.g., chapter 5 studies on priming in English compounds that were all run on IBEX using PennController; pre- PCIbex farm, but should be fully comparable).

Not self-paced reading, but from the technical side in terms of RT accuracy, that shouldn't be relevant.
