Reply To: conditions in self-paced reading experiment

PennController for IBEX Forums Support conditions in self-paced reading experiment Reply To: conditions in self-paced reading experiment



Thank you for your answer.

remove command works on all of my items (dashed sentence, and questions) except for the context sentence! it works also in the fillers because I added them manually not in template. Below is what I did:

Template(row =>
             newKey(" ")
        newController("DashedSentence", {s: row.DS})
        newKey(" ")

        newText("Answer the following quesion based on the dashed sentence you have just read")
        newScale("yesnocorrect",  "Yes","No" )
            .before( newText(row.CQ) )
       newText("Was the dashed sentence grammaticly correct?")
        newScale("correct", 5)
            .before(newText("completely incorrect"))
            .after(newText("completely correct"))
        newText("would you replace the article used in the dashed sentence with another one?")
        newScale("correct", "The", "A", "An", "No_Article")

Regarding the correct answer. Yes I do not want it to show at the runtime, but in the results for analysis purposes.
I have the same experiment for both instruction and control group, so the correct answer is the same for both groups. if you mean that I need to add correct answer column, then what answer 1, answer2?