PennController for IBEX › Forums › Support › Using Group for two different blocks › Reply To: Using Group for two different blocks
April 4, 2020 at 4:29 pm
I’m not sure I understand your design, but wouldn’t a table like the one below work the way you want?
AddTable("myTable", `ItemNumber,ButtonText,Group,Block 1,Lorem,A,1 2,ipsum,A,1 3,dolor,A,1 4,sit,A,2 5,consectetur,A,2 6,adipiscing,A,2 7,elit,B,1 8,sed,B,1 9,do,B,1 10,eiusmod,B,2 11,tempor,B,2 12,incididunt,B,2`) Sequence( randomize("block-1") , "break" , randomize("block-2") ) newTrial( "break" , newButton("Start second half").print().wait() ) Template( "myTable" , row => newTrial( "block-"+row.Block , newButton(row.ButtonText).print().wait() ) .log( "OrderGroup" , row.Group ) )
This is just illustrating two order groups, my understanding is that you’d want to have 18 of them so using letters as group labels you would add rows until you have an R group. I used different items on every single row (different item numbers and different button text).
Is this the kind of thing you want to do?