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May 13, 2023 at 4:41 am
In that case what I would do is list all the words in a single cell (named “Words” for example) and use Var elements to dynamically update the content of the Text element upon pressing the key:
Template("new--Items_Wide.csv", row => newTrial("listOfWords", fullscreen() , newMediaRecorder("recorder", "audio").log().record() , newTimer("recording", 3000).log().start() , newText("words", row.Words.split('_').slice(0,10).join("<br>")) // use slice to get the 10 first words .cssContainer({ padding: '0.5em', 'text-align': 'center', "justify-content": 'center', "align-items": 'center' , 'font-size': '50px', }) .print() , newVar("listOfWords", ""), // we'll set this Var element to the next list of words newVar("nextWordStartsAt").set(10) // this is the index where the next 10 words start , newKey("NEXT", " ") .callback( // first make sure that the index is within bounds getVar("nextWordStartsAt")>v<row.Words.split('_').length).success( // set listOfWords to the next words getVar("listOfWords") .set(getVar("nextWordStartsAt")) // first look up the index .set(v=>row.Words.split('_').slice(v,v+10).join("<br>")) // then use the index+slice to get the next 10 words , getText("words").text( getVar("listOfWords") ) // update the content of the Text element , getVar("nextWordStartsAt").set(v=>v+10) // the next list of 10 words starts 10 words further ) ) , getTimer("recording").wait() , getMediaRecorder("recorder").stop() , getText("words").remove() , newText('time-is-up-msg', "Time is up!").print() , newButton('btn--finish--game', 'Finish Game').print().wait() ) )