Reply To: Help with recording audio?

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Help with recording audio? Reply To: Help with recording audio?


Hi, @Jeremy! Considering the error message, is is possible to put a trial before that?
My idea was: If I cannot change the text, then I’ll display a warning to the kid “Please, wait your teacher”, so that the kid/participant calls the teacher, who will press S and then the message shows up. I tried to do it like this, but the order isn’t changing:

// 👉  Experimental trial: 

Template("new--Items_Wide.csv", row =>
    fullscreen() //enable full screen
    newMediaRecorder("recorder", "audio").log().record()
    newTimer("recording", 3000).log().start()   // Start the timer now
    newText("words", row.Column1.split('_').join("<br>")) // separate each word with a <br> tag (new line)
           padding: '0.5em',  // add some to not get too close to the border
          'text-align': 'center',   // trying to make the words center on fullscreen -- NOT WORKING :(
          "justify-content": 'center',
          "align-items": 'center' ,
          'font-size': '50px',
    newKey("NEXT", " ")
        .callback(  // use a callback to execute this in parallel to waiting for the timer
            getKey("NEXT").remove() // remove the NEXT button
            getText("words").text( row.Column2.split('_').join("<br>") ) // update the displayed list of words
        // do not wait for a click, otherwise the timer might elapse before the click
    getTimer("recording").wait() // wait for the timer to end
    getKey("NEXT").remove() // make sure to remove the button, in case the participant didn't get to the second list
    newText('time-is-up-msg', "Time is up!").print()
    newButton('btn--finish--game', 'Finish Game').print().wait()
// 👉 Completion screen -- WAIT THE TEACHER ///////////////////////////////////////// HERE
// Exit fullscreen:

// Print thank-you msg: 

    newText("thankyou-msg", "Good job, now wait your teacher!")
    newKey("NEXT", "S")
    // ,
    // newButton("void", "")
    //     .wait()

// 👉 Send results:


// 👉 Check if promise is fullfilled
// 👉 Manually reject promise => insert dummy link 
// 👉 Store audio locally

    newFunction("check upload", ()=>PennController.uploadRecordingsError)
            newText("confirmation", "The recordings were sent to the server. ")
            newText("error", "Click on the link below to store data 👇")
    // ,
    // newText("download-manually-msg", DownloadRecordingButton("Click here to download an archive of your recordings.") )
    //     .print()
    // ,
    // newTimer("inifinite", 0)
    //     .wait()