
getCanvas(id).settings.add( x, y, element ) or getCanvas(id).settings.add( “left at x”, “top at y”, element ) (since PennController 1.1) or getCanvas(id).settings.add( “center at x”, “middle at y”, element ) (since PennController 1.1) or getCanvas(id).settings.add( “right at x”, “bottom at y”, element ) (since PennController 1.1) Places element onto the canvas at the coordinates (x, y). Note …


getButton(id).settings.log() Adds a line to the results file each time the button is clicked. Example: [js highlight=”2″]newButton(“word”, “It’s a word!”) .settings.log() .settings.once() .print() , newAudio(“sound”, “sound.wav”) .play() .wait()[/js] Adds a button to the screen, plays the audio file sound.wav and proceeds when the audio is done playing. The button can only be clicked once (see …


getButton(id).settings.once() Disables the button right after it is clicked for the first time. Example: [js highlight=”3″ try=”true”]newButton(“test”, “It’s a test!”) .settings.log() .settings.once() .print() , newAudio(“sound”, “test.mp3”) .play() .wait()[/js] Adds a button to the screen, plays the audio file test.mp3 and proceeds when the audio is done playing. The button can only be clicked once, and …


getAudio(id).settings.log() or getAudio(id).settings.log(“play”) or getAudio(id).settings.log(“pause”) or getAudio(id).settings.log(“end”) or getAudio(id).settings.log(“seek”) Tells to add a line in the results file each time an event happens. If you do not specify which event you want to log, all of them will add a line to the results file. “play” adds a line including a timestamp and an offset, …


getAudio(id).settings.once() Disables the buttons to play/pause the audio right after its first playing (the audio can still be played using the action play). Example: [js highlight=”5″ try=”true”]newText(“instructions”, “Please listen to the audio below”) .print() , newAudio(“sentence”, “test.mp3”) .settings.once() .print() .wait() , newButton(“validation”, “Validate”) .print() .wait()[/js] Adds some instruction text to the screen and control buttons …