getScale(id).settings.once() Disables the scale after the first selection has happened. [js highlight=”4″ try=”true”]newScale(“hunger”, 5) .settings.before( newText(“left”, “Right now, I am… very hungry “) ) .settings.after( newText(“right”, ” not hungry at all”) ) .settings.once() .print() .wait() [/js] Adds a 5-point radio scale and waits for a click on one of its buttons, after which selection cannot …
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getScale(id).settings.log() or getScale(id).settings.log(“last”) (since beta 0.4) or getScale(id).settings.log(“first”) (since beta 0.4) or getScale(id).settings.log(“all”) Adds a line to the result file indicating which button is selected at what time(stamp). Leaving the parentheses blank is equivalent to passing only “last”: only the very last option to be selected will be saved. If “first”, then the very first …
(Since version 1.0, formerly labels) getScale(id).settings.labelsPosition(“bottom”) or getScale(id).settings.labelsPosition(“left”) (since version 1.0) or getScale(id).settings.labelsPosition(“top”) or getScale(id).settings.labelsPosition(“right”) (since version 1.0) Sets the position of the labels of the scale to bottom, left, top or right. If you did not specify labels, the buttons’ indices will be used instead. [js highlight=”3″ try=”true”] newScale(“score”, “Bad”, “So-so”, “Good”) .settings.labelsPosition(“right”) …
Deprecated since version 1.0. Use the settings command instead.
getScale(id).settings.horizontal() (since beta 0.3) Makes the buttons and labels of the scale appear horizontally. This is the default aesthetics of scales. Note: until version 1.0, you need to call print (again) for the settings to take effect. Example: [js highlight=”10″ try=”true”] newScale(“slider”, 100) .settings.slider() .settings.vertical() .print() , newButton(“rotate”, “Horizontal slider”) .print() .wait() , getScale(“slider”) .settings.horizontal() …
getScale(id).settings.default( value ) (since beta 0.3) Makes a value selected by default when printing the scale element. You can pass either an index or a text value as value. Note that sliders necessarily have a default value. If you do not use .default to specify one, the central one will be used (or next to …
getScale(id).settings.callback( sequenceOfCommands ) (since beta 0.4) Executes a sequence of commands whenever a choice is made on the scale. This is particularly useful if, for example, you want to reveal a only when a certain option is chosen. Example: [js highlight=”7-12″ try=”true”] newTextInput( “other” , “” ) .settings.hidden() , newScale(“yarrel”, “Yanny”, “Laurel”, “other”) .settings.labelsPosition( “right” …
getScale(id).settings.button() Makes the buttons of the scale appear as clickable text buttons that are framed when selected. If you passed a number when creating the scale, the buttons will be labeled with numbers (starting from 0). Example: [js highlight=”2″ try=”true”]newScale(“score”, 6) .settings.button() .settings.before( newText(“score label”, “Score: “) ) .settings.after( newText(“score text”, ” / 5″) ) …
getScale(id).wait() or getScale(id).wait(“first”) or getScale(id).wait(test) Waits until one of the buttons is clicked before evaluating and executing the next commands. If you call wait(“first”), then if a button is already selected when this command is evaluated, the next commands are evaluated and executed right away. If no button in the scale was clicked before, the …