PennController.CheckPreloaded() or PennController.CheckPreloaded( labels ) or PennController.CheckPreloaded( delay ) or PennController.CheckPreloaded( labels , delay ) PennController always starts the preloading of every image, audio and video resource used in your experiment as soon as the experiment starts running and, by default, it will wait before running a trial that all the resources it uses are …
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PennController.AddTable( name, csv_string ) You can use this command to manually define a table to use with . You normally do not need to use this command since, as of PennController beta 0.4, you can directly upload your CSV file under Resources / chunk_includes. Example: [js highlight=”1-5″ try=”data”] AddTable( “myTable”, // Name of the table …
PennController.AddHost( url ) You can use AddHost to spare you from specifying a URL when you create an element with newAudio, newVideo or newImage. The URL must end with /. You can pass multiple URL strings (separated by comma) or use AddHost as many times as you want. If you do so, PennController will try …
PennController().setOption(option, value) (since beta 0.3) or newTrial().setOption(option, value) since 1.7 Lets you modify a parameter of the controller, as you would for any other controller in Ibex. This can be helpful if you want to override some default settings, such as countsForProgressBar which is used by Ibex. Example: [js highlight=”7″ try=”data”] newTrial( newScale(“Score”, 8) .settings.slider() …
PennController().noHeader() (since beta 0.3) or newTrial().noHeader() since 1.7 Will not run the header sequence at the beginning of the trial. Note that this also concerns default commands defined in the header: those will not be run in trials where you use noHeader. Example: [js highlight=”26″ try=”data”]Header( defaultButton .print() .wait() , newText(“please”, “Please give a score”) …
PennController().noFooter() (since beta 0.3) or newTrial().noFooter() since 1.7 Will not run the footer sequence at the end of the trial. Example: [js highlight=”20″ try=”data”]Footer( newButton(“validate”, “Got it!”) .print() .wait() ); newTrial( “with footer” , newScale(“score”, 5) .settings.before( newText(“left”,”Score:”) ) .print() .wait() ); newTrial( “without footer” , newScale(“score”, 5) .settings.before( newText(“left”,”Score:”) ) .print() .wait() ) .noFooter(); …
PennController().logAppend( name, value ) (replaced with log since beta 0.3)
PennController().log( name, value ) (since beta 0.3) or newTrial().log( name, value ) since 1.7 You can use the .log method to add columns to every line corresponding to this trial that is logged in the results file. You can add as many .log as you want. Example: [js highlight=”7,8″ try=”data”] newTrial( newButton(“helloworld”, “Hello world!”) .settings.log() …
PennController( … ) or newTrial( … ) since version 1.7 or PennController( “label” , … ) (since version 1.0) or newTrial( “label” , … ) since version 1.7 The newTrial command (formerly PennController) creates a new PennController trial. You can use it in three environments: on its own to create a trial (since version 1.0), …