getFunction(id).call() Executes the function. Example: [js try=”true” highlight=”12-13″] newFunction(“setKeyTime”, function(){ this.keyTime =; }), newFunction(“keyTimerDelay”, function(){ return – this.keyTime > 10; }), newButton(“Start”, “Start”) .print() .wait(), newText(“instrutions”, “Quick, you have one second to press the T key!”) .print(), newTimer(“quick”, 1010) .start(), newKey(“t”, “T”) .wait(), getFunction(“setKeyTime”) .call(), getTimer(“quick”) .wait(“first”), getFunction(“keyTimerDelay”) .success( newText(“success”, “Good job!”) …


getCanvas(id).settings.add( x, y, element ) or getCanvas(id).settings.add( “left at x”, “top at y”, element ) (since PennController 1.1) or getCanvas(id).settings.add( “center at x”, “middle at y”, element ) (since PennController 1.1) or getCanvas(id).settings.add( “right at x”, “bottom at y”, element ) (since PennController 1.1) Places element onto the canvas at the coordinates (x, y). Note …


getButton(id).test.clicked() (since beta 0.3) Tests whether the button was ever clicked before.


getButton(id).settings.log() Adds a line to the results file each time the button is clicked. Example: [js highlight=”2″]newButton(“word”, “It’s a word!”) .settings.log() .settings.once() .print() , newAudio(“sound”, “sound.wav”) .play() .wait()[/js] Adds a button to the screen, plays the audio file sound.wav and proceeds when the audio is done playing. The button can only be clicked once (see …


getButton(id).settings.once() Disables the button right after it is clicked for the first time. Example: [js highlight=”3″ try=”true”]newButton(“test”, “It’s a test!”) .settings.log() .settings.once() .print() , newAudio(“sound”, “test.mp3”) .play() .wait()[/js] Adds a button to the screen, plays the audio file test.mp3 and proceeds when the audio is done playing. The button can only be clicked once, and …


getButton(id).wait() or getButton(id).wait(“first”) or getButton(id).wait( test ) Waits until the button it clicked before evaluating and executing the next commands. If you call wait(“first”), then if the button was already clicked at least once by the time this command is evaluated, the next commands are evaluated and executed right away. If it was never clicked …


getAudio(id).test.playing() (since beta 0.3) Tests whether the audio stream is playing at the moment when the test command gets evaluated.


getAudio(id).test.hasPlayed() (since beta 0.3) Tests whether the audio stream has played at least once before in the trial.


getAudio(id).settings.log() or getAudio(id).settings.log(“play”) or getAudio(id).settings.log(“pause”) or getAudio(id).settings.log(“end”) or getAudio(id).settings.log(“seek”) Tells to add a line in the results file each time an event happens. If you do not specify which event you want to log, all of them will add a line to the results file. “play” adds a line including a timestamp and an offset, …


getAudio(id).settings.once() Disables the buttons to play/pause the audio right after its first playing (the audio can still be played using the action play). Example: [js highlight=”5″ try=”true”]newText(“instructions”, “Please listen to the audio below”) .print() , newAudio(“sentence”, “test.mp3”) .settings.once() .print() .wait() , newButton(“validation”, “Validate”) .print() .wait()[/js] Adds some instruction text to the screen and control buttons …