
getVar(id).set( value ) (since beta 0.3)

or getVar(id).set( function )

Sets the Var element to the specified value.

You can pass a function as value, which takes the current value of the Var element as an argument and should return the new value to which it will be updated.


[js highlight=”14″ try=”true”]defaultText
newText(“firstPress”, “Press any key”)
newKey(“firstKey”, “”)
.set( getKey(“firstKey”) )
newText(“printFirstKey”, “”)
.settings.text( getVar(“firstKeyPressed”) )
newText(“secondPress”, “Good, now press a second key.”)
newKey(“secondKey”, “”)
.test.pressed( getVar(“firstKeyPressed”) )
.success( newText(“same”, “So, you pressed the same key twice!”) )
.failure( newText(“diff”, “You appear to be quite inconstant.”) )
newButton(“validate”, “OK”)

First creates a Var element named firstKeyPressed and then prints a text inviting to press any key. When a key is pressed, it is stored in the Var element (.set command). The Var element is then used to print which key was pressed, and when a second key is pressed, it is used to test that the same key was pressed.