
getEyeTracker(id).stopTraining() (since PennController 1.8)

Stops using mouse movements and clicks to train the model that estimates looks.

By default the model is only trained during the calibration phase, but you can train it further with the command train.


[js highlight=”15″ try=”data”]newTrial( newButton(“Start”).print().wait(newEyeTracker().test.ready()) )

newButton(“Click here first”).print(“20vw”,”40vh”).wait().remove(),
newButton(“Now Click here”).print(“60vw”,”40vh”).wait().remove()
newText(“Left”).css(“padding”,”20vw”).print(“20vw”, “40vh”),
newText(“Right”).css(“padding”,”20vw”).print(“60vw”, “40vh”)
.add( getText(“Left”) , getText(“Right”) )
newSelector().add( getText(“Left”) , getText(“Right”) ).wait()

Will keep training the model after calibration, so that the participant’s successive clicks on the buttons will be used to refine the model, and will stop using mouse events to train the model once Left and Right show up on the page.

Published by Jeremy

Researcher in semantics and pragmatics; Programmer of PennController for IBEX