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  • in reply to: Filled TextInput #6779

    Thank you!!

    in reply to: Filled TextInput #6774

    Hi Jeremy,

    sorry to bother you again – I added a few options (a drop-down and a text input) to this page and now I get error messages for “job” and “country” (TextInput) even if correctly filled out, which prevent me from continuing. I’m guessing I’ll have to rearrange the order of the code, but I’m not sure how:

     newButton("okay", "Weiter")
                // job
                    .failure( newText('errorjob', "Bitte gib Deine Hauptbeschäftigung an.").color("red").print() )
                // age
                .and( getTextInput("age").test.text(/^\d+$/)
                        .failure( newText('errorage', "Bitte gib Dein Alter an.").color("red").print() )
                // sex
                ).and( getDropDown("sex").test.selected()
                        .failure( newText('errorsex', "Bitte gib Dein Geschlecht an.").color("red").print() )
                // mother tongue
                ).and( getDropDown("german").test.selected()
                        .failure( newText('errorgerman', "Bitte gib an, ob Deutsch Deine Muttersprache ist.").color("red").print() )
                // bilingualism
                ).and( getDropDown("bilingual").test.selected()
                        .failure( newText('errorbilingual', "Bitte gib an, ob Du bilingual aufgewachsen bist.").color("red").print() )
                // nationality
                ).and( getDropDown("nationality").test.selected()
                        .failure( newText('errornationality', "Bitte gib Deine Nationalität an.").color("red").print() )
                // education
                ).and( getDropDown("bildung") .test.selected()
                        .failure( newText('errorbildung', "Bitte gib Deinen Bildungsstand an.").color("red").print() )
                 // country
                ).and( getTextInput("country").test.text()
                        .failure( newText('errorcountry', "Bitte gib an, in welchem Land Du in letzten 5 Jahren gewohnt hast.").color("red").print() )

    Any chance you could have another look? Thanks a lot!


    in reply to: Filled TextInput #6759

    Thank you so much!!
    – Kathy

    in reply to: Filled TextInput #6756

    Hi Jeremy,

    thanks so much for your explanation and help! I adapted the code you used in your project and it works for me now.

    Two minor (aesthetic) details: Ideally, I’d like to have the “age” error message to be displayed on top of the other ones, given that that’s the first piece of information that’s required. Not a big deal, but I was wondering whether / how that could be implemented (if it’s not too much of an effort).

    And secondly, is there a way to add some space with the before code? On my screen, the TextInput box and DropDown menus are pretty much glued to the text that precedes them…

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Filled TextInput #6747

    Hi Jeremy,

    I added a TextInput (for age) to the demographics page of my experiment, restricted it to two characters and managed to add an error message if left empty. Now there are a few issues, though:

    1. None of the error messages on the page (including the ones of the DropDowns I had before) will disappear once options are selected / the TextInput is filled.
    2. The continue (“Weiter”) button doesn’t work anymore.
    3. I am also unsure where to add the restriction of numerical values for age to the TextInput.

    Here is the code:
    (I’m unsure about .wait(“first”) at the end – I actually prefer participants having to click continue once everything has been filled out, so I might change that still).

    //// DEMOGRAPHICS ==============================================================
        newText("DemographicsText", "<p>Bevor es losgeht, brauchen wir einige Angaben zu Deiner Person. Diese werden anonymisiert gespeichert und eine spätere Zuordnung zu Dir wird nicht möglich sein. Bitte nimm Dir beim Ausfüllen der Felder Zeit.<p>")              
            .settings.css("font-family","times new roman") .settings.css("font-size", "18px")
        newCanvas("infocanvas", 1000, 70)
            .settings.add(0, 0, getText("DemographicsText") )
        newText("Alter", "1. Alter:")
            .settings.css("font-family","times new roman") .settings.css("font-size", "18px")
        newCanvas("agecanvas", 1000, 45)
            .settings.add(0,10, getText("Alter"))  
            .settings.add(80,8, getTextInput("age"))
        newText("Geschlecht", "2. Geschlecht: ")
            .settings.css("font-family","times new roman") .settings.css("font-size", "18px")
            .settings.add("Weiblich","Männlich", "Divers")
        newCanvas("sexcanvas", 1000, 40)
            .settings.add(0,0, getText("Geschlecht"))
            .settings.add(120,3, getDropDown("sex"))
        newText("Muttersprache", "3. Ist Deutsch Deine Muttersprache?")
            .settings.css("font-family","times new roman") .settings.css("font-size", "18px")
        newDropDown("german", "")
            .settings.add("Ja", "Nein")
        newCanvas("Nativelangcanvas", 1000, 40)
            .settings.add(0,0, getText("Muttersprache"))
            .settings.add(295,3, getDropDown("german"))
        newText("Nationality", "4. Was ist Deine Nationalität?")
            .settings.css("font-family","times new roman") .settings.css("font-size", "18px")
        newDropDown("nationality", "")
            .settings.add("Deutschland","Österreich", "Schweiz", "Italien", "Andere")
        newCanvas("nationalcanvas", 1000, 40)
            .settings.add(0,0, getText("Nationality"))
            .settings.add(240,2, getDropDown("nationality"))
        newText("Bildungsabschluss", "5. Was ist Dein höchster Bildungsabschluss?")
            .settings.css("font-family","times new roman") .settings.css("font-size", "18px")
        newDropDown("bildung", "")
            .settings.add("(Pflicht-)Schulabschluss","Abitur / Matura oder gleichwertiger Abschluss", "Hochschulabschluss", "Ausbildung", "Sonstige")
        newCanvas("bildungcanvas", 1000, 40)
            .settings.add(0,0, getText("Bildungsabschluss"))
            .settings.add(350,2, getDropDown("bildung"))
        newText("Hauptbeschäftigung", "6. Was ist Deine derzeitige Hauptbeschäftigung?")
            .settings.css("font-family","times new roman") .settings.css("font-size", "18px")
        newDropDown("job", "")
            .settings.add("Keine","Studium","Anstellung", "Selbstständigkeit", "Sonstige")
        newCanvas("jobcanvas", 1000, 40)
            .settings.add(0,0, getText("Hauptbeschäftigung"))
            .settings.add(380,2, getDropDown("job"))
        newButton("okay", "Weiter")
             newText("Bitte gib Dein Alter an.")
            newText("Bitte gib Dein Geschlecht an.")
            newText("Bitte gib an, ob Deutsch Deine Muttersprache ist.")
            newText("Bitte gib Deine Nationalität an.")
            newText("Bitte gib Deinen Bildungsstand an.")
            newText("Bitte gib Deine Hauptbeschäftigung an.")

    Sorry it’s a bit long! Thanks for your help in advance.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by kathy.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by kathy.
    in reply to: including attention checks and break #5989

    Dear Jeremy,

    thanks a lot! I tried the first thing you suggested and as you said below, that doesn’t seem to be the right function for me as I realized that items will be shown repeatedly after the break or attention checks, which is not what I wanted – I’d like to have different (randomized) items from the same set in each section so that every item will have been rated only once per participant, as you said in your second reply. I’ll try out the second solution you suggested tomorrow and will probably get back to you once I encounter difficulties. Thank you so much in any case!


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