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  • in reply to: Key press highlights wrong image #7159

    Hi Jeremy,

    great, thanks again! It’s logging correctly now 🙂


    in reply to: Key press highlights wrong image #7157

    Hi Jeremy,

    I’m having an issue logging shuffle selector responses when there are multiple within a trial. Basically, I have 3 shuffled prompts which all require ‘F’ or ‘J’ for the response. Whichever key is selected for the final prompt is logged as the input for all responses within the trial. I’m certain I had seen somewhere how to handle this issue, but I can’t find it now unfortunately. Here’s the trial template:

    PennController. Template( PennController.GetTable( "stimuli.csv")// change this line for the appropriate experimental list
                              .filter("type" , "critical")
                              .filter("lifetime" , /^(dead|alive)$/)
                              variable => ["post_task",
                                           "PennController", PennController(
                                               // NEW TEXT
                                               newText("post_name",  variable.name)
                                               .settings.css("font-size", "25px")
                                               newText("occupation_correct", variable.occupation)
                                               .settings.css("font-size", "25px")
                                               newText("occupation_incorrect", variable.occupation_distractor)
                                               .settings.css("font-size", "25px")
                                               newText("nationality_correct",  variable.nationality)
                                               .settings.css("font-size", "25px")
                                               newText("nationality_incorrect",  variable.nationality_distractor)
                                               .settings.css("font-size", "25px")
                                               newText("lifetime_correct", variable.lifetime)
                                               .settings.css("font-size", "25px")
                                               newText("lifetime_incorrect", variable.lifetime_distractor)
                                               .settings.css("font-size", "25px")
                                               newImage("checkmark", "https://amor.cms.hu-berlin.de/~pallesid/dfg_pretests/pictures/checkmark.jpeg")
                                               newImage("crossmark", "https://amor.cms.hu-berlin.de/~pallesid/dfg_pretests/pictures/crossmark.png")
                                               // NAME
                                               newCanvas("name", "100vw" , "100vh")
                                               .add("center at 50%", "center at 20%", getText("post_name"))
                                               .add("center at 25%", "center at 20%", getImage("checkmark") )
                                               .add("center at 75%", "center at 20%", getImage("crossmark") )
                                               .add(getImage("checkmark"), getImage("crossmark"))
                                               .keys("F", "J")
                                               // LIFETIME
                                               newCanvas("lifetime", "100vw" , "100vh")
                                               .add( "center at 30%", "center at 20%", getText("lifetime_correct"))
                                               .add( "center at 70%", "center at 20%", getText("lifetime_incorrect"))
                                               .add(getText("lifetime_correct"), getText("lifetime_incorrect"))
                                               .keys("F", "J")
                                               // NATIONALITY
                                               newCanvas("nationality", "100vw" , "100vh")
                                               .add( "center at 30%", "center at 20%", getText("nationality_correct"))
                                               .add( "center at 70%", "center at 20%", getText("nationality_incorrect"))
                                               .add(getText("nationality_correct"), getText("nationality_incorrect"))
                                               .keys("F", "J")
                                               // OCCUPATIION
                                               newCanvas("occupation", "100vw" , "100vh")
                                               .add(  "center at 30%", "center at 20%", getText("occupation_correct"))
                                               .add("center at 70%", "center at 20%", getText("occupation_incorrect"))
                                               .add(getText("occupation_correct"), getText("occupation_incorrect"))
                                               .keys("F", "J")
                                               // WAIT
                                               newCanvas("dots", "100vw" , "100vh")
                                               .add("center at 50%", "center at 20%", newText("pleasewait_post2", "...").settings.css("font-size", "25px").settings.bold())
                                               newTimer("wait_post2", 1000)
                                           .log("type", variable.type)
                                           .log("lifetime" , variable.lifetime)
                                           .log("tense", variable.tense)
                                           .log("mm", variable.mm)
                                           .log("match", variable.match)
                                           .log("rating", getVar("rating"))
                                           .log("item" , variable.item_id)
                                           .log("name" , variable.name)
                                           .log("list", variable.list)
                                           .log( "withsquare", PennController.GetURLParameter("withsquare") )    
                                           .log("bare_verb", variable.bare) 

    Thanks in advance!


    in reply to: DashedSentence in a PennController trial #6437

    Hi Jeremy,

    I’m jumping in for Aliona (collaborator), as she’s done for the day. Our problem is that we do want to have a line break, but our ‘cumulative’ function seems to not respect the sentence chunk boundaries once the sentence chunks are revealed. In other words, when ‘dashed’, a sentence chunk will not be split across two lines. However, once the chunk is revealed, one word that might be able to fit on the first line jumps up there, and so the sentence chunk is split (and the boundaries are not consistent between ‘dashed’ and revealed).

    So basically, we want to tell ‘cumulative’ to not allow a revealed chunk to be spilt across two lines (I hope that’s clear…?). An alternative could be to force a line break after x number of sentence chunks, although this wouldn’t be ideal, as there’s likely lots of variability between participants’ screen dimensions.

    If it helps, I can e-mail you a link to our current set-up.


    in reply to: DashedSentence in a PennController trial #6216

    Perfect, thank you!!

    in reply to: DashedSentence in a PennController trial #6205

    Hi Jeremy,

    I’ve had some successful Ibex experiments using the dashed function you wrote for me some months ago, and am now trying to adapt it for cumulative presentation. I’ve been playing with the getText() line in the function but haven’t been able to get it to work. Do you have a fix for this?

    // create dashed function
    dashed = (sentence, remove) => {
        let words = sentence.split('*'),  blanks = words.map(w=>w.split('').map(c=>'_').join('') ); // 'sentence.spilot('*')' = '*' defines the chunk boundaries (in the .csv)
        let textName = 'dashed'+words.join('');
        // We'll return cmds: the first command consists in creating (and printing) a Text element with dashes
        let cmds = [ newText(textName, blanks.join(' ')).print() .settings.css("font-family","courier") .settings.css("font-size", "20px") .settings.center()]; // COURIER as font
        // We'll go through each word, and add two command blocks per word
        for (let i = 0; i <= words.length; i++)
        cmds = cmds.concat([ newKey('dashed'+i+words[i], " ").log().wait() , // Wait for (and log) a press on Space
        getText(textName).text(blanks.map((w,n)=>(n==i?words[n]:w)).join(' ')) ]); // Show word
        if (remove)  // Remove the text after the last key.wait() is parameter specified
        return cmds;

    Many thanks!

    in reply to: test.selected() for multiple options #6164

    Hi Jeremy,

    worked like a charm, thanks!

    For anybody who finds this post and wants to see how I implemented Jeremy’s response, here’s my code:

    newButton("consent", "Continue")
                         .testNot.selected("17 or younger")
                         .and( getDropDown("age")
                               .testNot.selected("32 or older") 
                         .success() // if '17 or younger' or '32 or older' are NOT selected, and 'no' IS selected, continue as normal
                         .failure(  // otherwise, remove all canvases and display the "bye" text
                             newText("bye", "You are ineligible for this study, as you have provided information which is inconsistent with your Prolific prescreening responses. "
                                     + "<p>Please return your submission on Prolific by selecting the 'Stop without completing' button."
                                    ) .print() 

    Thanks, Jeremy!


    in reply to: Filled TextInput #6126

    Hi Jeremy,

    that’s great, thank you again!

    – Daniela

    in reply to: Filled TextInput #6079

    Hi Jeremy,

    is there a way to adapt test.text() to test whether or not the textInput element isn’t empty? It seems like the most standard test for a textInput element, but I can’t seem to find the solution anywhere!


    in reply to: Checkbox/unselecting an option #5703

    Great, thanks again!

    in reply to: Checkbox/unselecting an option #5694

    Hi Jeremy,

    thanks for your answer. We decided to go with a 2-option scale (yes/no), but now have the following problem: there are multiple selections participants need to make on the same screen, and so to avoid cluttering the screen with multiple ‘yes/no’ options, we have a label at the top of the page indicated left = yes, right = no. However, the newest PennController update seems to not give the option of not presenting the labels.

    Basically, the following does not automatically print the scale numbers in the previous PC 1.7 (which is what we want):

    newScale("rating", 7)

    But in PC 1.8 it does print them. Is there then a way in PC 1.8 to remove the scale labels?


    in reply to: Questionnaire with questions on the same page #5603

    Hi Jeremy,

    wow, thank you so much, that’s exactly what we were looking for. You’ve worked your magic yet again!!! Very much appreciated 🙂

    Daniela (and Philipp)

    in reply to: Questionnaire with questions on the same page #5600

    Hi Jeremy,

    thank you for your replies, the handleNames function worked great!

    To clarify Philipp’s third question (we’re working on the same project together): we have 50 names we want presented during this post-experiment task. We would ideally present the names simultaneously in separate columns, rather than in one long list, so that participants don’t need to scroll. I imagine we could do this somehow using newCanvas and creating separate functions (e.g., handleNames1, handleNames2, etc.) in which if (row.name=="__") could be changed to only access the first 17 names (for handleNames1), then the next 17 (handleNames2), and so on. Would this be the best course of action?

    We also noticed that the randomisation doesn’t seem to work in Chrome (but does in Chrome mobile, and Firefox). Is there a way to get the randomisation to also work with Chrome?

    Thanks again for your help so far!


    in reply to: Questionnaire with questions on the same page #5559

    Hi Jeremy,

    I’ve got a similar issue at the moment, in that we want to present a post-experiment memory task in which 50 names are presented as a list. We want to log which names are selected (presumably along a scale with radio buttons), but we also want to log other variables related to each name (from other columns in the .csv. E.g., indicating whether the name was presented in the experiment or not). We’d also like to be able to randomise the presentation of these names.

    Our question is basically: is it at all possible to present multiple values of a single column as a list, and to also be able to log whether each value was selected, while also logging variables related to each value (e.g., experimental or decoy item)?


    in reply to: DashedSentence in a PennController trial #5030

    Hi Jeremy,

    thanks for your reply. What I didn’t like about DashedSentence was the format of the results file output (it printed new column header labels for each trial–I know that would be fixed once I get my data into R, but I wanted to tidy things up for my test runs). I figured out newController based on your comment, but decided to just use Option 2 (recreated DashedSentence based on your code), and it worked great.

    I had arrays of variable in the s parameter because I wanted to present the sentence in chunks, rather than word-by-word (each variable contained one chunk). In case anybody else stumbles upon this thread wanting to do something similar, I was able to adapt your reproduction of DashedSentence (from Option 2) by changing let words = sentence.split(' ') to let words = sentence.split('*'). Then I added an asterisk (*) to my .csv file to indicate where the chunk boundaries should be.

    Here’s my adaptation (including setting the font to Courier):

    dashed = (sentence, remove) => {
        let words = sentence.split('*'),  blanks = words.map(w=>w.split('').map(c=>'_').join('') );
        let textName = 'dashed'+words.join('');
        // We'll return cmds: the first command consists in creating (and printing) a Text element with dashes
        let cmds = [ newText(textName, blanks.join(' ')).print() .settings.css("font-family","courier")]; // COURIER as font
        // We'll go through each word, and add two command blocks per word
        for (let i = 0; i <= words.length; i++)
        cmds = cmds.concat([ newKey('dashed'+i+words[i], " ").log().wait() , // Wait for (and log) a press on Space
        getText(textName).text(blanks.map((w,n)=>(n==i?words[n]:w)).join(' ')) ]); // Show word
        if (remove)  // Remove the text after the last key.wait() is parameter specified
        return cmds;

    and then later inside a PennController.Tempalte() I called on ‘dashed’:

    ...dashed(variable.critical, "remove")

    Worked great, thanks!


    in reply to: DashedSentence in a PennController trial #4888

    *Edit: I’m missing the closing ] bracket, but this was just a mistake in shortening it for the forum

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