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  • in reply to: Internal Server Error (Probably error 500) #8075

    Hello, Jeremy,

    Thank you for your reply. Little did I suppose that there had been DDoS attacks… I really appreciate your efforts to restore the server.

    As you advised, I would like to host my experiments on my own server too, and I understand that csv files and multimedia files require different folders to be uploaded.

    I would like to thank you again for all your time and effort in maintaining PCIbex.



    in reply to: Validation of participant's ID (password) #8065

    Hi, Jeremy,

    Thank you for your quick reply and really helpful advice! I haven’t notice that the participants may be able to see the source of the experiment… Thank you for letting me know that! Among other things, I really appreciate your code! The code works fine in my experiment, too!


    in reply to: Randomize DashedSentence #8012

    Jeremy said:

    Note that I replaced s: with q: in the Question controller, but that wouldn’t make the experiment crash anyway

    However, this replacement (i.e. using q: row.Sentence) will show nothing with PennController 2.0, at least from my browser, Chrome Ver 100.0.4896.60(Official Build, 64bit, in normal mode [not in incognito mode]). Does anybody replicate the behaviour from the following link?:

    PennController.ResetPrefix(null) // Keep here
    ParticipantID = GetURLParameter("id")
        row => PennController("trials",
            //q: row.Sentence will show nothing
            //s: row.Sentence will show the question and judgement options
            newController("AcceptabilityJudgment", {q: row.Sentence, as: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"], presentAsScale: true, leftComment: "very bad", rightComment: "very good"})
            (row.Question != "NA" ?
                newController("Question", {q: row.Question, as: ["Yes", "No"], hasCorrect: row.Answer})
        .log("ParticipantID", ParticipantID)
        .log("Group", row.Group)
        .log("UniqID", row.UniqID)
        .log("Sentence", '"' + row.Sentence + '"')
        .log("Question", '"' + row.Question + '"')
        .log("Answer", row.Answer)
    in reply to: Translation for the explanatory messages of eye-tracking module #7314

    Hi Jeremy,

    I found that the messages were defined in the original Ibex commands, and that we can change them following the commands described here:–options

    Sorry for my silly question…


    in reply to: Translation for the explanatory messages of eye-tracking module #7312

    Hi Jeremy,

    Related to the topic, I would like to translate the following messages, which do not appear in PennController.js. Where are they written?

    Sending results to the server…/

    (defined in undefined (PennController) in Debug’s Sequence tab)

    The results were successfully sent to the server. Thanks!

    (defined in null (__SendResults__) in Debug’s Sequence tab)


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Carlos. Reason: Add where the messages can be found
    in reply to: How to use the latest WebGazer 2.1.0? #7311

    Hi Jeremy,

    There persists difficulties to operate WebGazer 2.1.0 on PCIbex, but thank you. I’ll keep working around the issue.


    in reply to: How to use the latest WebGazer 2.1.0? #7309

    Hi Jeremy,

    1. Unknown Cookies

    When I tried a self-paced reading experiment, I found, by Google Chrome Developer Tool, cookies called _pcibexfarm_session and TEST, both of which were from Moreover, by the cookie indicator on Google Chrome (an icon of eye on the right side of the search box),
    I found that unknown six third party cookies were blocked when I turned on the blocking function.

    2. Webgazer’s TypeError

    When I tried a self-paced reading experiment, no error related to WebGazer occurred. Specifically, I could not find the following error:

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
        at ridgeWeightedReg_reg.RidgeWeightedReg.predict (webgazer.js:138258)
        at getPrediction (webgazer.js:138724)
        at async loop (webgazer.js:138780)


    in reply to: How to use the latest WebGazer 2.1.0? #7306

    When I block the third party cookies, both your example (EyeTracker_webgazer210) and my own project fail to run with the same errors reported earlier. When I toggle Chrome Developer Tools (F12 on Windows/Cmd + Opt + I on Mac) on the calibration screen, I found the following error message. What’s going on here…?

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
        at ridgeWeightedReg_reg.RidgeWeightedReg.predict (webgazer.js:138258)
        at getPrediction (webgazer.js:138724)
        at async loop (webgazer.js:138780)
    in reply to: How to use the latest WebGazer 2.1.0? #7305

    Hi Jeremy,

    It’s weird… PCIbex does have a cookie called _pcibexfarm_session as you told when I inspected by this way. However, the cookie indicator on Google Chrome (an icon of eye on the right side of the search box) tells that the browser blocks unknown seven third party cookies when the blocking function turns on…

    in reply to: How to use the latest WebGazer 2.1.0? #7294

    Hi Jeremey,

    Thank you for sharing me the URL! I tried your experiments two times, and now I am able to run your experiment and my own without problem. I found that my browser disabled the third party cookies when I visit domain. Once enabled, the experiments successfully run!

    The cookie permission button on the browser is small and hard to find sometimes. If PCIbex could present a popup to allow the use of third party cookies, it would be very useful. I would be grateful if you consider the implementation of this kind of functionality.

    in reply to: Translation for the explanatory messages of eye-tracking module #7282

    Hi Jeremy,

    I modified PennController.js as you suggested, and I successfully changed the texts as I wanted! I am grateful for your help and suggestion!


    in reply to: Translation for the explanatory messages of eye-tracking module #7273

    Hello, Jeremy,

    Thank you for your reply. I tried your code, and successfully replaced the original English texts with texts in various other languages (e.g. in Japanese; 計測には,機器調整スコアが最低$2点必要ですが,現在のスコアは$1点です。). However, I failed to modify the style of <p> tags (e.g. I could not replace <p> with <p style='width:30em'>). Is it possible to modify any HTML tags using your code, or should I directly rewrite PennElement_eyetracker.js and place it in script folder of my project?

        "<p>It looks like we were not able to precisely calibrate the tracker:",
        "<p style='width:30em'>Il semble que nous n'avons pas pu calibrer le tracker précisément"
        /You calibration score is (\d+) and you need at least (\d+)/,


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