Hello again,
I’m afraid I’ve stumbled into another issue related to this question. While I’m now able to provide feedback for clicks on the left and right side of the slider, the procedure halts if I just click “Next” without clicking/selecting a value on the slider first. Ideally, I would like to provide a feedback in this case, too. I’ve tried using *getScale(“”).test.selected()…* conjoined to the function you provided in your earlier post by means of *.(and)*, but that doesn’t work. Also, a strategy I’ve been using just to check whether other scales have been clicked, doesn’t work here:
newFunction("WaitSelect2", function(){ getScale("Gelungen")._element.jQueryElement.click(()=>this.scaleClicked=true) }).call()
// ...
.wait(newFunction(function(){return this.scaleClicked;}).test.is(true).failure() // ...
The link to a minimal working example is here:
Thank you,