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  • in reply to: Missing data (Failed submission) #10806

    Hi Jeremy,
    now I have that exact same problem with my experiment: 1 out of 4 participants (who clearly did the experiment (recruited via prolific, and s/he got the completion code right)) shows me only the rows as posted above:

    # Results on Wed	 09 Aug 2023 11:30:00 GMT		
    # USER AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML	 like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36		
    # Design number was non-random = 0			
    # Columns below this comment are as follows:			
    # 1. Results reception time.			
    # 2. MD5 hash of participant's IP address.			
    # 3. Controller name.			
    # 4. Order number of item.			
    # 5. Inner element number.			
    # 6. Label.			
    # 7. Latin Square Group.			

    link to the experiment:


    It has been several hours now – I refreshed the page, logged out and in again of PCIbex Farm, but there are never more rows. Normally when I do these little experiments, I can download all of the results when prolific is telling me that the participants completed the experiment.
    Is it possible that it sometimes takes longer for the results to show up? Or is it again a problem with the server?

    Thank you!!
    Best, Anna

    in reply to: Lists randomization #9798

    Hi Jeremy,
    I have a question regarding the distribution of the lists as well.
    I ran an experiment which had 12 lists, and lasted about 40 minutes. It was published via prolific. Since there participants often fill up quickly, I set the counter earlier than at the end of the experiments, so that not everybody signing up within the first participant doing the experiment will get list1.
    The counter was set after the training session and after they got ask to click a button for the experiment to start. I figure that there is a big chance that participants who got that far will also finish it – but i am aware that not everybody might do so.
    When checking the results, it showed that the distribution of the lists was kind of erratic. It started with 3, then 5, 7, 9, then again 3, 5, maybe 6, 10, then again 3, without going at least until 11 or 12. 1 and 2 left out.
    We changed the uploaded excel file to delete all lists that where presented already more than 2 (we wanted just 2 participant per list), but I hope there is another way to make sure, that the distribution of the lists is at least a bit more reliable.

    Here is the code:

    Sequence( "welcome" , "consent", "instruction", "practice1", "practice2","send", "trialTriangle", "start experiment", "counter", "experimental-trial", "send", "final");
    [all elements in between]
        newText("top", "zgomot")
        newText("left", "copil")
        newText("right", "speria")
     //   newImage("triangle", "Triangle.png")
      //  .size(140,140)
        newCanvas("trialTriangle", 200,200)
            .settings.add( 50,0, getText("top").color("blue"))
            .settings.add(-30,140, getText("left"))
            .settings.add(120,140, getText("right"))
        newTextInput("response", "")
    newTrial("start experiment",
        newText("Când sunteți gata să începeți experimentul, apăsați SPAȚIU.")
        newKey(" ").wait()  // Finish trial upon press on spacebar
    SetCounter("counter", "inc", 1);
    Template("draft_list_2.csv", row =>
        newText("top", row.TOP).color(row.Coloring_Code=="TOO" ? "blue":"black"),
        newText("left", row.LEFT).color(row.Coloring_Code=="OLO" ? "blue":"black"),
        newText("right", row.RIGHT).color(row.Coloring_Code=="OOR" ? "blue":"black"),
        newCanvas("trialCanvas", 200,200)
            .settings.add( 50,0, getText("top"))
            .settings.add(-30,140, getText("left"))
            .settings.add(120,140, getText("right"))
        newTextInput("response", "")

    and here the link to the full experiment

    it’s the demonstration link

    Thank you very much!!

    Best, Anna

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