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  • in reply to: Many audio stimuli in Safari #6130

    I gave up on myself too soon! The following works for me, in case anyone else has an Nginx server:

    location ~* /experiments {
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' 'https://expt.pcibex.net';
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET';
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'X-Accept-Charset,X-Accept,Content-Type';
    in reply to: Many audio stimuli in Safari #6129

    Thanks! Unfortunately the server is running Nginx (and that’s not something I can change). I don’t suppose you have the config for Nginx, do you? I’m playing with it at the moment and haven’t had success yet.

    in reply to: html code with embedded script #5871

    Many thanks Jeremy (and thanks for this great tool in general). Works like a charm.

    (And re: console.log, I was just making sure that the headphone check script was actually reporting *something* and the issue wasn’t its fault.)

    in reply to: html code with embedded script #5866

    For more context, here’s the trial in question. I can print the value I’m looking for to the JavaScript console (console.log(data.data.totalCorrect) but I figure out how to get that into the PCIBex log no matter where I put the .log() function, and no matter whether I try to use data.data.totalCorrect as an argument of .log directly, or if I try to set a new variable and call getVar inside of .log.

        newButton("check", "Start Heaphone Check")
        // This Canvas will contain the test itself
        newCanvas("headphonecheck", 500,500)
        // The HeadphoneCheck module fills the element whose id is "hc-container"
        newFunction( () => getCanvas("headphonecheck")._element.jQueryElement.attr("id", "hc-container") ).call()
        // Create this Text element, but don't print it just yet
        newText("failure", "Sorry, you failed the heaphone check")
        // This is where it all happens
        newFunction( () => {
            $(document).on('hcHeadphoneCheckEnd', function(event, data) {
            HeadphoneCheck.runHeadphoneCheck({totalTrials: 1,
                trialsPerPage: 1,
                doCalibration: false // we definitely want to change this for the real one
        // This is an invisible button that's clicked in the function above upon success
    in reply to: html code with embedded script #5865


    I’m trying to implement the code in the above comment, but I’d like to send the result to the log, rather than have the page serve as a gate for people not using headphones.

    I’ve tried everything I can think of—for example, setting a newVar inside the function and trying to get that with .log at the end of the trial—but no luck.

    How can I get a JavaScript variable from inside a function to be saved to the log?

    Thanks in advance.

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